Back at the September 2014 roadmap meeting *we agreed to move from the current specifications documentation *in FrameMaker to a modern tool, preferably text-based. This wiki page <> shows various alternatives under consideration. The other problem *we agreed to deal with was to put all openEHR models into a UML *tool environment.


We've *made a lot of progress *on both of these. The whole of openEHR is now in MagicDraw, one of the most capable UML tools, with an open API enabling model publishing. You may have seen the generated website here <>. The models themselves are of course available in the various specifications Github repos. MagicDraw's native save format is XMI 2.x, which will work with any other UML tool that properly implements XMI.

I've been working with Bostjan Lah from Marand on the documentation side, using *Asciidoctor <>as the target*. Asciidoctor is asciidoc markdown/up/sideways on steroids + publishing tools for DocBook, HTML, PDF etc. This has entailed converting FrameMaker sources to Asciidoctor sources and building a new toolchain. All of the the *model diagrams and formal specification sections in documents are now extracted from the UML models *in MagicDraw, by some Java magic that Bostjan has written - so now we have documents that are fully model based, and also can be published into at least 3 formats.

The Asciidoctor toolchain is all open source, as are the related projects (asciidoc-stylesheet-factory, pygments etc), and the developers are very helpful. I've also managed to build a pretty good ADL and ODIN code highlighter for Pygments <>, which hopefully should be accepted into the main project.

MagicDraw, although not open source, is pretty open and very standards-based, and the people there have been very supportive as well.

We are not finished, but it looks as if the Asciidoctor + UML tooling approach will work pretty well, and we will have higher quality documentation than before with much greater flexibility.

*What does the result look like*? You can get an idea of the results for the re-engineered AOM and ADL specifications:


   AOM specification: source formhere
   features to look for: UML tool generated diagrams and specification


   ADL specification: source formhere
   features to look for: machine highlighting using a newly developed
   ADL mode for Pygments;

The approach to building specification documentation and web resources is shown graphicallyhere <>.

PDFs are coming - takes some work to get the style sheet into shape. The project home page on Github <> gives a fuller description of the approach so far.


Once a toolchain like this is established, we can get the following benefits:


   model-based documentation is always up to date, as long as the
   models are maintained;


   specifications built like software, under continuous build on server;


   easier to report and fix errors, and to update documents, due to
   easy-ish source form;


   more flexibility to create new output formats.


Right now, the Asciidoctor+MagicDraw approach looks like a solid future solution. Personally I am now seeing the approach as a generic solution for doing single-source technical documentation of any kind for the future - I think we may be onto something quite powerful.

We would be interested in feedback and reactions from the community on this approach.

- thomas
openEHR-technical mailing list

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