Hi All

I'm having a bit of an issue with CKM re-versioning archetypes and slots that 
reference Clusters.

When I create a new archetype in the archetype editor (Version 2.2.905 Beta), 
the archetype is saved as version 1. For example
"openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION. blood_pressure.v1.adl"

When I upload the archetype to CKM, the process renames the archetype to 
version 0 - for example "openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION. blood_pressure.v0" (we are 
hosted on  version 1.4.0 of the Clinical Knowledge Manager)

The re-versioning  becomes an issue when I use slots. In the Archetype editor I 
can assign a slot to a Cluster (for example), but this process creates a link 
to a version of the Cluster. If it's a new Cluster, this will be version 1. 
When the Cluster and the archetype are uploaded to the CKM, they are both put 
back to version 0. However, the slot Cluster is looking for version 1 of the 
Cluster, which won't exist on the CKM (so CKM can't make the link between these 
2 objects).

Does anyone have a work-around, or have some advice and guidance, for this 

Kind Regards

Dave Barnet
Interoperability Lead
Interoperability Specifications
Health & Social Care Information Centre


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  • Archetype editor,... Barnet David (HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION CENTRE)

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