Hi Dave,

I recognise the problem which is a result of the transition to a much
richer and better versioning mechanism.

The Archetype Editor has been updated to handle the new versioning (on the
openEHR Github, not released yet ) but we will need to adapt the slot fill
regex to allow for .v0 archetypes, which are now the default for new,
uncontrolled archetypes.

The default regex for slot-fill pattern needs to be changed to allow any
Version not just V1


I am not a regex expert - If someone can guide me on how to change this to
allow .v*, I can update the AE code.

We will almost certainly have to edit some legacy archetype ADL as well.


Dr Ian McNicoll
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Co-Chair, openEHR Foundation ian.mcnic...@openehr.org
Director, freshEHR Clinical Informatics Ltd.
Director, HANDIHealth CIC
Hon. Senior Research Associate, CHIME, UCL

On 22 July 2015 at 12:33, Barnet David (HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION
CENTRE) <david.bar...@hscic.gov.uk> wrote:

>  Hi All
> I’m having a bit of an issue with CKM re-versioning archetypes and slots
> that reference Clusters.
> When I create a new archetype in the archetype editor (Version 2.2.905
> Beta), the archetype is saved as version 1. For example
> “openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION. blood_pressure.v1.adl”
> When I upload the archetype to CKM, the process renames the archetype to
> version 0 – for example “openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION. blood_pressure.v0” (we
> are hosted on  version 1.4.0 of the Clinical Knowledge Manager)
> The re-versioning  becomes an issue when I use slots. In the Archetype
> editor I can assign a slot to a Cluster (for example), but this process
> creates a link to a version of the Cluster. If it’s a new Cluster, this
> will be version 1. When the Cluster and the archetype are uploaded to the
> CKM, they are both put back to version 0. However, the slot Cluster is
> looking for version 1 of the Cluster, which won’t exist on the CKM (so CKM
> can’t make the link between these 2 objects).
> Does anyone have a work-around, or have some advice and guidance, for this
> issue?
> Kind Regards
> Dave Barnet
> Interoperability Lead
> Interoperability Specifications
> Health & Social Care Information Centre
> david.bar...@hscic.gov.uk
> www.hscic.gov.uk
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