I mean the submission of certain openEHR specs to ISO can be made with the present formal status of the Foundation being tied to UCL. To further gain acceptance also by governmental bodies around the globe where people may like openEHR but may hesitate to invest in such an informal body success, I think that a true international organisation without any ties to a specific university may be of some (not big but some) benefit. Also avoid criticisms of the Freriks type.

Best regards


Den 2015-09-04 kl. 09:56, skrev Bert Verhees:
On 04-09-15 09:31, Gunnar Klein wrote:
Irrespective of this, I argued a year ago for the foundation to take steps towards becoming a true international non profit foundation breaking its ties witht the UCL as a founder. It is an anomaly in today's world.

Can you explain what the advantage is of the foundation breaking its ties with UCL?

Although, sticked to the end of your message with the word "Irrespective" It seems a key sentence in your message, and I miss the explanation.


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