
nice summary of issues. If I can take the liberty of pulling out what I think are your key issues to worry about + recommendations. I bolded my own subset of those ...

On 10/10/2015 10:07, Eric Browne wrote:

*Notes on UCUM*

* UCUM does not supply normative names of units.
* Some of UCUM’s names have been US-ised. E.g. /litre/ has been changed to /liter/, /metre/ to /meter/, /deca/ to /deka/. * *Implementers of UCUM must choose between case insensitive and case-sensitive versions*. The two cannot co-exist in the same channel of communication without special additional processing. * Even using UCUM, some units are difficult to represent and agree upon e.g. the unit for measuring estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate, quite common in healthcare - see

*Notes on openEHR’s implementation of UCUM within the AOM.*

* .... The specification is a little vague on adherance to UCUM for units, stating that unit strings are to be expressed in UCUM unit syntax. This allows for support of units beyond those defined in UCUM. * The current openEHR BNF for parsing units appears to have some errors if it were to be considered UCUM-conforming - e.g. presence of ‘μ’ symbol; absence of ‘[‘ and ‘]’ symbols. * openEHR is unclear on which variant(s) of UCUM ( case-sensitive, case-insensitive, print ) should be supported or mandated. The current openEHR BNF for parsing units cannot support 8-bit UCUM units such as ‘°’ i.e. degree symbol in values conforming to type DV_QUANTITY.

=> conclusion: we should have a PR to correct these issues so that the current specifications are at least clear, even if they still may be 'wrong' in some larger analysis.

Eric, can you raise a PR here <>, with the relevant bullet points from this list? I think we could include changes to Release-1.0.3 to make these corrections.

*Tooling implementations for openEHR units*

* Clinical Knowledge Manager - *Many archetypes on the international CKM use non-valid UCUM units*.

*Implications for Archetypes, Archetype repositories and Archetype Governance
* Some unit issues, such as the Blood Pressure tilt angle could be “fixed” simply by adding the normative UCUM unit and flagging the deprecated unit as such. However, tools would need to be updated to allow these new, “fixed” units to be entered where they previously could not. Only some of the existing openEHR units could be “fixed” this way. * I think units are somewhat akin to terminology systems like SNOMED. There are significant implementation complexities. The main value in standardising units is to ensure safety and quality of data from disparate sources. The main additional value in adopting UCUM more fully is to support unit conversion. * Ideally, in order just to support UCUM well, *openEHR implementations should support the case-sensitive UCUM value*, the print value and the unit definitions, all supplied by UCUM via the published XML file. This does not mean that the DV_QUANTITY type needs to change, but *it would mean updating existing archetypes to replace the current archetype units with the correct UCUM case-sensitive one*. Let’s call this the UCUM code. openEHR archetype editors would then map these UCUM codes to unit displaynames ( i.e. the UCUM print value ). openEHR applications would also ideally map the UCUM code to unit displaynames. i.e. Applications and archetypes use UCUM codes internally, but those codes aren’t displayed to humans. * If there are grounds for changing the Blood Pressure Archetype to “fix” the Tile Angle, then those same grounds dictate that many more Archetypes be changed. This *should be undertaken as a major versioning exercise*, probably with 6 months warning .... * There will always be tension between national and international archetype repositories trying to produce models for an ideal world, rather than for implementations that have to operate in the real world. My observations of how the openEHR world is evolving is that *these archetype repositories do generally, and should try to set a gold standard*. _They should push implementations rather than retard them_. ....The trouble with “fixing” the units of all currently published archetypes is that adopting them in order to really make use of the normative UCUM units would mean pain for implementers. But for what gain?

*Notes on current practice regarding unit usage in HL7 laboratory messages*

I include the following, simply because it tries to illustrate how units are currently handled in many typical data sharing environments. * Legacy, non-openEHR systems using 7-bit databases might use predefined table of units something like UCUM - more likely they would specify their own unit system - perhaps “deg” for values for "°C” in a system in a metric country or “deg” for values in “°F” in a system in the US. In many systems the units are often implicit and not stored with each value. * In Australia, *diagnostic testing laboratories almost all send test result reports in HL7 v2 messages*. Many of these use atomic fields for each observation. HL7 v2 uses an explicit field for transmitting a unit description. The Australian Standards specify ISO+ values to be used to name these units in messages. .... * Both of the above shortcomings lead to implementers wanting archetypes with little or no unit constraint on many fields. More often than not this is a *result of lack of compliance infrastructure*. * In the real world of extensive data sharing, highest common denominator ( or often *lowest common denominator ) trumps standards and quality, and even safety*.

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