The answer isn't completely simple. Some background here <>. If there are bindings defined for snomed_ct, read2 and ctv3 to the ac-code that appears in the archetype definition section, and no further constraint is given, the implication is that any code from any terminology with a binding may be used at runtime. Since this is normally on a value-set by value-set basis, each value set (each distinct ac-code) will have a binding entry only in those terminology groups in the binding section that make sense.

On 29/10/2015 15:31, Barnet David (HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION CENTRE) wrote:


I have a modelling issue where I’m trying to bind a single data point or an archetype to a choice of terminology & code systems.

The actual use case is that I’m modelling a new-born hips examination, and the result may be given as either a SNOMED CT concept, a Read 2 code or a CTV3 code (for those unfamiliar with Read 2 & CTV3, they are code systems used (mostly) in primary care in the UK). In the actual instance, each code/concept will have a code system identifier to distinguish the actual code system used

For example, a result of “no abnormalities and no risk factors” can be represented as either



















Newborn and Infant Physical Examination Screening Programme, hip examination done, no abnormality and no risk factor




NIPE hip, no abnor&no rsk fctr




NIPE hip, no abnor&no rsk fctr

In the modelling tools I see you can have a choice, but I can’t see how the choice supports multiple terminologies. I see that it does support a choice of a terminology & Free text.

Is there a “standard” way of saying a data point may be represented by one of 3 terminologies/codes systems? Or is this something the tooling deliberately stops you doing?

Thanks in advance

Dave Barnet
Interoperability Lead

Interoperability Specifications

Health & Social Care Information Centre

NHS in England

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