On 30/10/2015 16:00, Barnet David (HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION CENTRE) wrote:


For use (NHS in England) it’s probably at the template level (but it would be good to occasionally specify at the node level).

just to be clear on this point, because this is the one I want to know about. Consider the following archetype extract:



    OBSERVATION[id1] matches {    -- *Liver function test*
        data matches {
            HISTORY[id2] matches {
                events matches {
                    EVENT[id3] matches {    -- Any event
                        data matches {
                            ITEM_TREE[id4] matches {
                                items matches {
ELEMENT[id6] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- *Test name*
                                        value matches {
                                            DV_CODED_TEXT matches {[ac1]}
ELEMENT[id7] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- *Test status*
                                        value matches {
                                            DV_CODED_TEXT matches {[ac2]}
CLUSTER[id8] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- *panel*
                                        items matches {
ELEMENT[id6] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- *bilirubin*
                                                value matches {
DV_QUANTITY matches {...}
                                            .... -- etc

        ["snomed_ct"] =  <

["ac2"] = <http://snomed.info/value_set/9000000001234> -- assume SNOMED has a value set of test statuses

["id3"] = <http://snomed.info/id/79706000> -- SCT code for bilirubin

        ["loinc"] =  <

["id1"] = <http://loinc.org/id/4321> -- LOINC code for 'Liver function test'

["ac1"] = <http://loinc.org/value_set/1234> -- assume LOINC has a value set of specific LFT test names (there are >1)



In the above, we don't need to do anything special to make sure that the node id1 and value set at ac1 are coded from SNOMED CT, and that id3 and ac2 are coded from LOINC - because the bindings don't provide for anything else. But if there was a binding for ["id1"] in both the snomed_ct and the loinc binding group then we might need a capability to say: on this particular OPT, I only want to allow LOINC at node id1, while being able to allow other nodes to still use SNOMED CT and / or LOINC in different permutations.

The latter is obviously more complicated to specify in a generated template, because now you really do have to able to mark different nodes as differentially subsetting their allowed bindings, for some particular purpose.

I'm hoping we don't need to do this, but would like to know if it is needed.


- thomas

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