But if we want to avoid double results in querying, we need some sort of 
'is_derived' or 'is_copy' marker (and a link to original content) on the copy. 
At least that's where I got to the last time I thought about it.

Yes – I think we need some kind of marked. We have been thinking about adding 
this to the link. Some kind of “link to self”. Then to avoid duplicates you 
MUST include that in every AQL. This is why we ended up with the proposal of a 
Composition category which solely of re-used (copies) data.

The same pattern could be applied on several levels (ENTRY, CLUSTER). I.e. a 
Blood Pressure with an attribute ‘is_copy’ should by default be excluded from 
AQL queries.

Something like that?

Vennlig hilsen
Bjørn Næss

Mobil +47 93 43 29 10<tel:+47%2093%2043%2029%2010>

Fra: openEHR-technical [mailto:openehr-technical-boun...@lists.openehr.org] På 
vegne av Thomas Beale
Sendt: søndag 3. april 2016 15.31
Til: openehr-technical@lists.openehr.org
Emne: Re: Usage of Compositoin.Category

these examples from Ian illustrate exactly why we never figured this out before 
- because of the possible mixture of original content, referenced content, and 
sometimes copied content e.g. in a discharge summary. The problem is that 
'derived' content can occur at a lower granularity than Composition.

Unless... we impose a discipline that says otherwise. For example, if there is 
only original content and references (links, DvEhrUris) then everything is 
easy. As far as I can see, the problem is if content is copied inline from e.g. 
a lab result or Dx list into the discharge summary. For a physician, this is 
pretty natural, and it's easy to see how a nice UI can enable it.

But if we want to avoid double results in querying, we need some sort of 
'is_derived' or 'is_copy' marker (and a link to original content) on the copy. 
At least that's where I got to the last time I thought about it.

- thomas
On 12/03/2016 07:40, Ian McNicoll wrote:

Hi Ivar,

I'm not sure the situation is quite as clear-cut, in that I donlt

think there is necessarilly a simple distinction between primary data

which should normally be query-accessible and in-line vs. secondary

data which is normally query-inaccessible and referenced.

A few scenarios

1. Vital signs event - easy!! Primary, in-line and accessible

2. Diagnosis event. Primary, in-line but depending on whether a

secondary problem list is maintained, you may not want to use these

original diagnoses events for decision support.

3. Problem summary. Secondary and definitely need to be

query-accessible, but may be in-line or referenced depending on


4. Discharge summary. Mostly secondary but may introduce new primary

content and again, whether the content is in-lie or referenced is to

some extent an implementation decision. DIPS have decided to use

referencing, others do not.

5. End of Life Summary. The critical aspects of this document are

primary e.g Resuscitation wishes but other aspects are secondary

(though and may be in-line or referenced.

I think the points raised are valid but we may need to tease out

several axes here.


Dr Ian McNicoll

mobile +44 (0)775 209 7859

office +44 (0)1536 414994

skype: ianmcnicoll

email: i...@freshehr.com<mailto:i...@freshehr.com>

twitter: @ianmcnicoll

Co-Chair, openEHR Foundation 

Director, freshEHR Clinical Informatics Ltd.

Director, HANDIHealth CIC

Hon. Senior Research Associate, CHIME, UCL

On 11 March 2016 at 09:39, Ivar Yrke <i...@dips.no><mailto:i...@dips.no> wrote:


An interesting discussion that touches the very concept of structured 
information, in my opinion. I wonder if the suggested solution looks at the 
problem from the best angle. So here is my angle:

As a person with some SQL experience I would expect an AQL to return ONLY 
primary content unless told otherwise. Any content that lives in a Composition 
as a link I would not expect to see in that Composition as an entry. Resolving 
links is a task for the level "above" (rendering on a screen etc.). I can see 
that there possibly are needs for an AQL that resolves links, but I would 
rather see this as the special case, much like joining in foreign keys in SQL 
is an explicit decision (the SQL analogy have some obvious flaws!)

Why is this important? Because showing linked information in compositions where 
they were not originally recorded creates doubt about the origin of the 
information (source of truth). The duplication that Bjørn wants to solve is a 
symptom of un unhealthy structure that undermines an essential aspect of 
structured information. If a summary composition, like a discharge letter, only 
links information from other composition, there should be no duplication. So 
there should not be any need for later  special handling. There should be no 
problem to solve (well, there would be the need for the optional resolving, but 
this would be a feature rather than a problem).

AQL should relate only to the data and how they are recorded, not to how they 
are used.

With regards,

Ivar Yrke

Senior systemutvikler


Telephone +47 75 59 24 06

Mobil +47 90 78 89 33

-----Original Message-----

From: openEHR-technical [mailto:openehr-technical-boun...@lists.openehr.org] On 
Behalf Of Bjørn Næss

Sent: 10. mars 2016 20:33

To: For openEHR technical discussions 

Subject: SV: Usage of Compositoin.Category

Hi Ian

Great response.

The most important thing for me is to precisely define the semantic meaning of 
the content in a composition. In this specific use-case the content of the 
composition is always a copy of the primary source.

This means that the Discharge letter only bring one new thing into the EHR - 
that is the fact that there is an approved discharge letter. But the entries in 
the composition is link and copies of entries in other primary sources.

The requirements to the system is quite small:

* Content of "report" documents MUST not be in the resultset when doing normal 
AQL queries.

* It MUST be possible to query for "report" compositions with specific content.

The solution to this problem is simple and I can give an example with an AQL 
query. Below is a standard query for body weight. Look at the WHERE condition. 
Here I am looking for all body weights which are NOT part of a report 
composition. This WHERE condition will be the default filter on all queries.

If the client would like to query for all body weights in report document, then 
just change from NOT EQUALS 434 to EQUALS 434.




        WHERE c/category/defining_code/terminology_id/value = 'openehr'AND 
c/category/defining_code/code_string != '434'

Given that we agree that there is a class of compositions which belongs to the 
"report" group.

Then we should add such semantic into the RM to make it precise and consistent.

Best regards

Bjørn Næss

Product owner


Mobil +47 93 43 29 10

-----Opprinnelig melding-----

Fra: openEHR-technical [mailto:openehr-technical-boun...@lists.openehr.org] På 
vegne av Ian McNicoll

Sendt: mandag 7. mars 2016 18.16

Til: For openEHR technical discussions 

Emne: Re: Usage of Compositoin.Category

Hi Björn,

I finally got around to thinking a bit about this.

It is an interesting problem and I think I can see the need to specify 
different data handling requirements but I am not sure that overloading 
composition.category is the best approach here.

I suspect this will take a bit of teasing out (and other commit/query strategy 
metadata) - might it be better to put this in a cluster archetype in the 
Composition extension slot. That would let us play around with the requirements 
before pushing something definitive to the RM?

So far I have 3 axes:

1. Normal commit strategy: persistence vs. event  i.e do we normally overwrite 
an existing composition.

2. Source-of-truth i.e. Should this document be regarded as the primary source 
of truth for certain kinds of data or otherwise e.g Does a system look into 
event compositions or e.g to a Problem list for 'current problems'

3. Is this a primary document or secondary document? e.g. a Discharge letter is 
a secondary document derived from other primary records.

Just starting the discussion :)


Dr Ian McNicoll

mobile +44 (0)775 209 7859

office +44 (0)1536 414994

skype: ianmcnicoll

email: i...@freshehr.com<mailto:i...@freshehr.com>

twitter: @ianmcnicoll

Co-Chair, openEHR Foundation 
ian.mcnic...@openehr.org<mailto:ian.mcnic...@openehr.org> Director, freshEHR 
Clinical Informatics Ltd.

Director, HANDIHealth CIC

Hon. Senior Research Associate, CHIME, UCL

On 17 February 2016 at 21:59, Bjørn Næss <b...@dips.no><mailto:b...@dips.no> 

We are discussing the use of Composition.Category which is a DV_CODED_TEXT.

There is a terminology:

<group name="composition category">

                               <concept id="431" rubric="persistent"/>

                               <concept id="433" rubric="event"/>


Is it required to use only these categories or could an application

set any DV_CODED_TEXT?

I think it would be ok to allow any category in this.

To be concrete:

The use-case is discharge summaries. These are Compositions which only

(“mostly”) contains links to existing entries. We will be using links

but since the Composition should be transferred to another health

provider it must be serialized and validated against an template.

Technically this Compostions contains a lot of entries which is “link to self”.

The idea we are considering is to introduce a category for these

Compositions. The content will not be part of AQL results for normal

use-cases. But IF you ask explicit for these categories you will be

able to query for discharge summaries which contains body weight above 120 kg.

 If we only add the references as links it will not be possible to add

them into forms and neither use a Template to validate the content.

This is the reason we are “thinking out of the box”.

Any comments on this?

Best regards

Bjørn Næss

Product Owner – Arena EHR


Mobil +47 93 43 29 10


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Thomas Beale
Management Board, Specifications Program Lead, openEHR 
Chief Technology Officer, Ocean Informatics<http://www.oceaninformatics.com>
Chartered IT Professional Fellow, BCS, British Computer 
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