Hi Daniel, thanks, I posted the idea also to some Dutch groups, one argument was that there is no workflow in SNOMED.

It is not a perfect solution.

Therefore I am glad you mention the low hanging fruit, and maybe it is more then "some", maybe it is a lot.

So let us concentrate on that, and see where we would be able to come.

* the use cases are not the same - ontologies represent universal truths about the world, archetypes represent record keeping requirements

I understand your argument, but is that universal true? aren't there any structures usable for recording in SNOMED. I am not a clinician. So, I always have the wrong examples.

I checked "fever" in the SNOMED browser.

There are many subtypes, Malarial fever, Hay fever, Q fever, etc....
But there is also the primitive attribute Body Temperature (observable entity) which can contain to a value. So that can be used for recording, can't it?

* ontologies and archetypes have different "reasoning" requirements and thus different representation languages, algorithms etc. (the ontology-information model separation is a divide-and-conquer approach)

There are a lot of similarities, supertypes, subtypes, attributes, I haven't found until now a structure which does not fit in an archetype.
I think, I must be missing something.

* for ontologies to compute meaningfully, a larger degree of consistency is needed, archetypes may be (and are being) developed and used with such a need

I am not sure I understand what you want to express here. Can you explain it, maybe with an example.


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