On 18/05/2016 12:24, Ian McNicoll wrote:
Hi thomas,

See https://openehr.atlassian.net/browse/SPECPR-96 for discussion on this. Medication dose and quantities need both SI units and otherwise. The current restrictions make the modelling much clunkier than is necessary IMO. I'm not clear why strict adherence to SI is helpful in this context. Surely part of the point of a health orientated ref model is to make life easier and medication dose units are a critical type of quantity in this domain.

I was reviewing that (good statement of needs). The issue isn't SI units - there are lots of non-SI units in UCUM. The issue is that units of doses are not scientific units, and can't be represented the same way. So we shouldn't expect our models of the latter to work properly for dose units.

Of course I agree that we should make life easier for developers, systems etc, and also that we have not really done so.

The more I think about this issue over the years, I mostly come to the same conclusion: we need a special Quantity type that models exactly what is needed. E.g. something like

class DoseQuantity
unitForm: DvCodedText // type of physical dose entity tablet, capsule, puff etc unitAmount: DvQuantity // how much is in a `doseForm` unit e.g. 5mg doseCount: Integer // how many items of `doseForm` to deliver

doseAmount: DvQuantity { // total amount of substance delivered to patient
        Result := doseCount * unitAmount

Note that this does not include the actual substance, e.g. morphine or whatever.

- thomas

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