very interesting, seems like a few archetypes need to be changed

2016-05-18 14:03 GMT+02:00 Eric Browne <>:
> I just did a bulk download of 133 Observation archetypes from 
> and extracted the following list of units:-
> /d, /h, /min, /mo, /wk, 1/min, 10*12/l, 10*6/l, 10*6/mm3, 10*9/l, Ashman 
> units, Hz, Hz/s, IU, U, U/l,
> [pH], cc, cm, cm2, cm[H20], d, dB, daPa, daPa/s, deg, fl, fl oz, ft, gm, 
> gm/d, gm/l, gm/wk, h, in,
> in2, kHz, kPa, kg, kg/m2, l, l/min, l/s, lb, lb/in2, m, m2, mIU/l, mV, mg, 
> mg/dl, mg/l, millisec, min,
> ml, ml/d, ml/ml, ml/s, ml/wk, mm, mm/h, mm2, mm[H20], mm[H20]/s, mm[Hg], 
> mmho, mmol/l, oz(avdp), pg,
> pmol/l, s, {Volume/Volume}, °, °C, °F, µmol/
> I did this with a script and have not manually validated this list visually 
> in the ADL.
> regards,
> eric
> Eric Browne
> ph 0414 925 845
> skype: eric_browne
>> On 18 May 2016, at 8:35 pm, Thomas Beale <> wrote:
>> Hi Daniel,
>> the reason it is a String is because we have always treated UCUM units as 
>> parseable strings. E.g.
>> kg.m^-2
>> and
>> kg/m^2
>> are parseable according to UCUM's grammar into an expression that has a 
>> single meaning, and can also be equated to e.g. 'kPa' (which is itself 
>> parseable and so on).
>> - thomas
>> On 18/05/2016 10:05, Daniel Karlsson wrote:
>>> So, right now the DV_QUANTITY.units is a String, perhaps it should be 
>>> /Daniel
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