Hi Silje,

My thinking is for your use case, DV_QUANTITY doesn't apply for arbitrary,
since those seem not related with physical properties (mass, length, area,
concentration, etc.)

As I said, "level of X" makes me think of DV_ORDINAL.

DV_PROPORTION would be used for numerator / denominator modeling, but
currently doesn't support units so it's real / real. My suggestion was to
analyze the change from that to an arbitrary type for each numerator and
denominator, so you can model DV_QUANTITY / DV_QUANTITY proportions.

Also DV_ORDINAL doesn't have a unit but has a DV_CODED_TEXT, maybe your
arbitrary units are really terms from a given terminology, so this might be
good to model that.

But as I said, for this specific use case you might need to use many data
points (ELEMENTS) of different types, inside a CLUSTER to be able to comply
with all your requirements (please check my previous message where I
outlined your requirements as I understood them).

Hope that helps.

On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 11:55 AM, Bakke, Silje Ljosland <
silje.ljosland.ba...@nasjonalikt.no> wrote:

> Hi Pablo,
> This is our current modelling, for reference (the administration unit
> denominator isn’t modelled):
> I don’t see how either ordinals or proportions, the way they currently
> work, can be of any help here.
> Regards,
> *Silje*
> *From:* openEHR-technical [mailto:openehr-technical-
> boun...@lists.openehr.org] *On Behalf Of *Pablo Pazos
> *Sent:* Monday, January 29, 2018 4:34 PM
> *To:* For openEHR technical discussions <openehr-technical@lists.
> openehr.org>
> *Subject:* Re: Quantities of arbitrary units in openEHR
> Hi Silje,
> On Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 11:15 AM, Bakke, Silje Ljosland <
> silje.ljosland.ba...@nasjonalikt.no> wrote:
> Hi,
> «Any units» isn’t the same as “arbitrary units”. As I wrote below,
> “arbitrary units” in the context of biomedicine are units which are defined
> by biological activity, such as level of allergic reaction or enzymatic
> activity.
> From the modeling point of view, I don't think using DV_QUANTITY for this
> is the right direction, since DV_QUANTITY.units are defined to contain a
> unit related to a physical property (mass, length volume, concentration,
> etc.). When talking about "level of X", my first idea is to go for
> DV_ORDINAL. If the ordinal part is not really needed, then downgrade to
> DV_CODED_TEXT (that is part of DV_ORDINAL).
> This is done to be able to compare the concentration of different
> substances which have the same effects in different mass or volume amounts
> – birch pollen extract vs grass pollen extract (measured in SQ-U;
> standardized quality units), retinol vs betacarotene (measured in RE,
> retinol equivalents), human insulin vs insulin analogues (measured in IU,
> international units).
> In this context, I think comparing levels will work with DV_ORDINAL.
> To be able to specify medication strength in a meaningful way, I need a
> numerator (amount active substance) and a denominator (amount helper
> substance). The numerator can be a mass (such as mg), a volume (such as ml)
> or an arbitrary unit (such as IU). The denominator can be a volume, a mass
> or an administration unit (such as tablet or puff).
> This would be normally modeled with DV_PROPORTION, but the issue is that
> we don't have units there, just real numerator and deonominator.
> This might lead to a requirement of having DV_PROPORTION<num_type,
> den_type>, so something like DV_PROPORTION<DV_QUANTITY, DV_QUANTITY> will
> work.
> Also, with DV_QUANTITY alone it is not possible to express an explicit
> numerator and denominator, just the final real value of num/den, but the
> units are flexible enough to satisfy this. But this leads to the issue you
> have again :)
> So if the requirement is:
> 1. to have explicit numerator and denominator,
> 2. have units for numerator and denominator,
> 3. have units that are not related with physical properties or that are
> not standardized,
> 4. be able to compare two values of this form
> With the current RM, I think it is not possible to model it directly as
> one datatype, so it might be a combination of datatypes and using a CLUSTER
> to put all together. Then some querying power will allow you to compare
> those structures.
> I can't think of a better solution with the current RM.
> Architecturally I think having DV_PROPORTION<DV_ORDERED, DV_ORDERED> might
> be a better solution but needs changes to the RM. We already have this for
> DV_INTERVAL but a proportion is not the same as an interval.
> REF: http://www.openehr.org/releases/RM/latest/docs/data_
> types/data_types.html#_overview_4
> Since there can be approximately a million different variations on mass,
> volume and arbitrary units, I don’t want to specify them all in the
> archetype, but leave it up to the application, while still specifying the
> property (mass, volume or arbitrary). At the moment, I can’t do this for
> the arbitrary units element, since there’s no property in the openEHR units
> properties terminology set for arbitrary units.
> However, I’m starting to wonder if “<Property id="57" Text="Mass (IU)"
> openEHR="385" />” really is a misnamed “arbitrary units” property. Anyone
> know the origin of this? IU isn’t a mass unit, so it’s misnamed in any case
> (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_unit).
> Also, what would be really really neat, is a Quantity data type which
> could be any of a couple of a set of preselected properties (such as for
> instance mass, volume and arbitrary), and not just one fixed property. :o)
> For the aforementioned, DV_QUANTITY might not be the right solution for
> this problem IMHO.
> Regards,
> *Silje*
> *From:* openEHR-technical [mailto:openehr-technical-
> boun...@lists.openehr.org] *On Behalf Of *Pablo Pazos
> *Sent:* Monday, January 29, 2018 12:37 AM
> *To:* For openEHR technical discussions <openehr-technical@lists.
> openehr.org>
> *Subject:* RE: Quantities of arbitrary units in openEHR
> Hi Silje,
> When specifying the property but not the units, any units are allowed.
> This is saying "any units" which is similar to "arbitrary units". We can
> relax the spec to allow non-ucum as units (my interpretation of "any units"
> is any in ucum and compliant with the specified property, while "arbitrary"
> might be in or not in ucum, and compliant with the property).
> What do you think?
> On Jan 26, 2018 6:01 AM, "Bakke, Silje Ljosland" <silje.ljosland.bakke@
> nasjonalikt.no> wrote:
> Deriving the properties from the codes makes sense when you actually
> specify the codes, but what do you do when you want to specify “this is a
> concentration, but I don’t care about the exact units”?
> “Arbitrary unit” has a quite specific meaning, it’s not just a catch-all
> for “new units for which we haven’t got the property defined in the
> terminology yet”: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arbitrary_unit
> I see that IUPAC and IFCC has decided to use the term “procedure defined
> unit” instead of “arbitrary unit”.
> Also, does leaving the “property” field out mean that we can have one
> Quantity element with the units Cel, m, kg, ml and [arb'U]?
> Regards,
> *Silje*
> *Fra:* openEHR-technical [mailto:openehr-technical-
> boun...@lists.openehr.org] *På vegne av* Diego Boscá
> *Sendt:* fredag 26. januar 2018 09:42
> *Til:* For openEHR technical discussions <openehr-technical@lists.
> openehr.org>
> *Emne:* Re: Quantities of arbitrary units in openEHR
> I think there are several potential problems with this, and IMHO we are
> stepping too much on what should be done in a terminology service (We are
> literally talking about a 'public available UCUM service'). You can also
> ask the terminology service what kind of unit code you have. Your
> implementation could answer "arbitrary" for these new units.
> In my opinion, saying "here comes a mass unit code" is not much different
> from "here comes a diagnosis code", and we say these in a completely
> different way (a better way, if you ask me).
> Also, I'm not a big fan of "arbitrary" property, as feels like a "other"
> kind of terminology code that is potentially dangerous as knowledge or
> terminology advances, thus coexisting 'arbitrary' and 'new shiny type of
> measurements' all mixed up. That's why I also expect these properties to be
> as derived from the codes and not the other way around.
> 2018-01-26 9:21 GMT+01:00 Sebastian Garde <sebastian.garde@
> oceaninformatics.com>:
> While I agree with the SPEC-95 rationale (once you have a unit, you should
> be able to know what its property is), it is still convenient to have the
> property for constraining.
> Otherwise you don't have a way to say in an archetype: I don't care about
> the exact unit here, but please let it be a "Mass".
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: openEHR-technical [mailto:openehr-technical-boun...@lists.openehr.org]
> Im Auftrag von Thomas Beale
> Gesendet: Freitag, 26. Januar 2018 09:13
> An: openehr-technical@lists.openehr.org
> Betreff: Re: Quantities of arbitrary units in openEHR
> Right - at the moment, it is a 'fake' field in archetypes, enabled by
> being in the BMM or other expression of the RM. It's convenient to do this
> occasionally, since we don't think 'property' needs to be a field of
> DV_QUANTITY - but maybe it should be, since for some of the more esoteric
> units, it's not that clear what is being measured.
> This trick is also not mentioned in the ADL/AOM specs, and it either
> should be, or we just don't allow it. I don't have a strong opinion either
> way.
> - thomas
> On 26/01/2018 07:51, Pieter Bos wrote:
> > A bit unrelated perhaps, but in the 1.0.3 and 1.0.4 RM specification,
> > there is no property attribute or function present in dv_quantity,
> > even though the text says it can be conveniently constrained. There is
> > a reference to the spec-95 jira issue, which says it has been removed.
> > So there’s no way to constrain it - unless the specification contains
> > a mistake :)
> >
> > It is present in the BMM variants of the RM though, as a mandatory field.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Pieter Bos
> >
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