But you can't specify terms in DV_COUNT while DV_ORDINAL.symbol can be used
to specify the arbitrary units but not as physical property units of
measure, but as a terminology concept / term.

On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 1:30 PM, Thomas Beale <thomas.be...@openehr.org>

> On 30/01/2018 16:24, Pablo Pazos wrote:
>> Hi Silje,
>> My thinking is for your use case, DV_QUANTITY doesn't apply for
>> arbitrary, since those seem not related with physical properties (mass,
>> length, area, concentration, etc.)
>> As I said, "level of X" makes me think of DV_ORDINAL.
> or even DV_COUNT.
> I have asked some questions of knowledgeable ontology sources; will post
> any replies I get here.
> - thomas
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