Often Spanish is not always a big problem, let us try drag through Google translate to make it al readable


On 19-02-18 17:37, David Moner wrote:
We also have a Final Degree Project where a student made a proposal for a Visual Template Model. It's from 2012, for ISO 13606, and also in Spanish, but the main idea probably remains the same :-)

I've been always in favor of having a third layer for visualization purposes that defines some of the expected behaviors and the visual aspect. As Erik said, this is not about reinventing what the existing UI frameworks can do, but to have a way of instructing them on how to show the information on screen.

2018-02-18 19:57 GMT+01:00 Pablo Pazos <pablo.pa...@cabolabs.com <mailto:pablo.pa...@cabolabs.com>>:

    I have a pdf spec in Spanish, this was a university project to
    have platform independent GUI definitions based on opts, while
    creating technology specific GUI generators for data entry and
    display. I mentioned this a while ago on the lists but catched not
    much attention.

    Need to do a little translation work :)

    On Feb 18, 2018 7:51 AM, "Thomas Beale" <thomas.be...@openehr.org
    <mailto:thomas.be...@openehr.org>> wrote:

        On 17/02/2018 20:11, Pablo Pazos wrote:

            I think SET<LOCATABLE> has a lot of applications,
            including result sets. Of course that should interior from
            LOCATABLE to be archetypable.

            I'm not sure on the types associated with the UI. I have a
            specification for UITenplates that includes some of that,
            I can share it :)

        I think any existing UI/template specification / app modelling
        would be useful to share - possibly on the wiki - let me know
        if you need a page there.

        My aim would be to get closer to an IDE application building
        tool for clinical people to at least build a POC application
        that works, something like Balsamiq but with real data
        connections built in. Marand's EhrExplorer does some of this,
        and it would also be useful to extract some of the semantics
        of that tool into a standard specification to support this
        kind of thing.

        - thomas

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