Hi tom,

I can agree with you that if SNOMED CT was created when all patients in the 
world already had all information in their health record recorded using 
cleverly built and structured information models (like archetypes, templates 
and similar), but that is not the case. Instead SNOMED CT also tries to help 
healthcare organizations to do something better also with their already 
recorded health record information, because that information to a large extent 
still belongs to living patients.

It would be interesting to have your opinion about why it is a real problem 
with the "extra" pre-coordinated concepts in SNOMED CT in general and not only 
for the use case of creating archetypes or what would be nicest in theory.


Från: openEHR-technical [mailto:openehr-technical-boun...@lists.openehr.org] 
För Thomas Beale
Skickat: den 23 mars 2018 01:06
Till: openehr-technical@lists.openehr.org
Ämne: Re: SV: [Troll] Terminology bindings ... again

I have made some attempts to study the problem in the past, not recently, so I 
don't know how much the content has changed in the last 5 years. Two points 
come to mind:

1. the problem of a profusion of pre-coordinated and post-coordinatable 
concepts during a lexically-based choosing process (which is often just on a 
 this can be simulated by the lexical search in any of the Snomed search 
engines, as shown in the screen shots below. Now, the returned list is just a 
bag of lexical matches, not a hierarchy. But - it is clear from just the size 
of the list that it would take time to even find the right one - usually there 
are several matches, e.g. 'blood pressure (obs entity)', 'systemic blood 
pressure', 'systolic blood pressure', 'sitting blood pressure', 'stable blood 
pressure' and many more.

I would contend (and have for years) that things like 'sitting blood pressure', 
'stable blood pressure', and 'blood pressure unrecordable' are just wrong as 
atomic concepts, each with a separate argument as to why. I won't go into any 
of them now. Let's assume instead that the lexical search was done on a subset, 
and that only observables and findings (why are there two?) show up, and that 
the user clicks through 'blood pressure (observable entity)', ignoring the 30 
or more other concepts. Then the result is a part of the hierarchy, see the 
final screenshot. I would have a hard time building any ontology-based argument 
for even just this one sub-tree, which breaks basic terminology rules such as 
mutual exclusivity, collective exhaustiveness and so on. How would the user 
choose from this? If they are recording systolic systemic arterial BP, lying, 
do they choose 'systemic blood pressure', 'arterial blood pressure', 'systolic 
blood pressure', 'lying blood pressure', or something else.

Most of these terms are pre-coordinated, and the problem would be solved by 
treating the various factors such as patient position, timing, mathematical 
function (instant, mean, etc), measurement datum type (systolic, pulse, MAP 
etc), subsystem (systemic, central venous etc) and so on as post-coordinatable 
elements that can be attached in specific ways according to the ontological 
description of measuring blood pressure on a body. This is what the blood 
pressure archetype does, and we might argue that since that is the model of 
capturing BP measurements (not an ontological description of course), it is the 
starting point, and in fact the user won't ever have to do the lexical choosing 
above. Now, to achieve the coding that some people say they want, the archetype 
authors would have the job of choosing the appropriate codes to bind to the 
elements of the archetype. In theory it would be possible to construct paths 
and/or expressions in the archetype and bind one of the concepts from the list 
below to each one. To do so we would need to add 40-50 bindings to that 
archetype. But why? To what end? I am unclear just who would ever use any of 
these terms.

The terms that matter are: systemic, systolic/diastolic, terms for body 
location, terms for body position, terms for exertion, terms for mathematical 
function, and so on. These should all be available separately, and be usable in 
combination, preferably via information models like archetypes that put them 
together in the appropriate way to express BP measurement. Actually creating 
post-coordinated terms is not generally useful, beyond something like 'systemic 
arterial systolic BP', or just 'systolic BP' for short, because you are always 
going to treat things like exertion and position separately (which is why these 
are consider 'patient state' in openEHR), and you are usually going to ignore 
things like cuff size and measurement location (things considered as 
non-meaning modifying 'protocol' in openEHR).

2. similar problems in the authoring phase, i.e. addition of concepts to the 
terminology in the first place.  If more or less any manner of pre-coordinated 
terms is allowed, with the precoordinations cross-cutting numerous ontological 
aspects (i.e. concept model attribute types), what rules can even be 
established as to whether the next proposed concept goes in or not? It is very 
easy to examine the BP hierarchy, and suggest dozens of new pre-coordinated 
terms that would fit perfectly alongside the arbitrary and incomprehensible set 
already there...


(another 3x)



I've picked just the most obvious possible example. We can go and look at 
'substances' or 'reason for discharge' or hundreds of other things, and find 
similar problems. I don't mind that all these pre-coordinated concepts exist 
somewhere, but they should not be in the primary hierarchies, which really, in 
my view should look much more like an ontology, i.e. a description of reality 
which provides a model of what it is possible to say. If that were the case, 
the core would be much smaller, and the concept model much larger than it is 

- thomas

On 22/03/2018 00:26, michael.law...@csiro.au<mailto:michael.law...@csiro.au> 

Hi Heather,

In general, anyone is welcome to participate in the work; you don't need to be 
one of the small number of Advisory Group members.  That helps with travel 
costs, but most of the real work is done on teleconferences, not so much at the 
face to face meetings.

I would be very interested to hear people's articulations of where they think 
the boundary should be for this boundary line.  I'd also be interested to 
understand better what people think the problem is with having "extra" / 
unnecessary pre-coordinated concepts; what advantage is to be gained from 
removing them, and what is the perceived scale of the problem.


Thomas Beale
Principal, Ars Semantica<http://www.arssemantica.com>
Consultant, ABD Team, Intermountain 
Management Board, Specifications Program Lead, openEHR 
Chartered IT Professional Fellow, BCS, British Computer 
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