Hi Pablo,

There is a hierarchy specifically for cervical cytology findings – see Cervical 
smear result (finding)
SCTID: 269957009 and below.

So for CEASI o ASCUS the code from that hierarchy would likely be 441087007

I haven’t had time to look at all, but I suspect this is a better hierarchy and 
there may not be all options available for you. There are lots of gaps in 

Hope this helps


From: openEHR-technical <openehr-technical-boun...@lists.openehr.org> On Behalf 
Of Pablo Pazos
Sent: Tuesday, 11 September 2018 2:26 PM
To: For openEHR technical discussions <openehr-technical@lists.openehr.org>
Subject: Inconclusive lab results coding

Hi all, lately I've been modeling different types of lab results.

Now I'm modeling cervical cytology, and there is a kind of result that is 
"inconclusive or not clear", for other results I've found SNOMED CT codes but 
not for this one. That is the only one that I can't code right now, maybe 
others with more experience on this area can help me find a code.

This is what I have right now, sorry rubrics are in spanish (but is easy to 
just put the codes in the SNOMED browser to see the concept in english 

+ Normal (negativo): SNOMED-CT::5559008
+ Poco claro (no concluyente)
+ Anormal (positivo)
  + CEASI o ASCUS (células escamosas atípicas de signigicado indeterminado): 
  + CGA (células grandulares atípicas): SNOMED-CT::4476003
  + LIEBG (lesiones intraepiteliales escamosas de grado bajo): 
  + LIEAG (lesiones intraepiteliales escamosas de grado alto): 
  + CEA (células escamosas atípicas, no se pueden excluir las LIEAG): 
  + AIS (adenocarcinoma in situ): SNOMED-CT::51642000
  + Células de cáncer cervical (carcinoma de células escamosas o 
adenocarcinoma): SNOMED-CT::285432005


Ing. Pablo Pazos Gutiérrez
+598 99 043 145
skype: cabolabs
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