Hello Georg,

Archie is meant to be used with ADL2 archetypes, if you want to parse 1.4
archetypes I think java implementation you mentioned before is your current
best option.


El lun., 12 nov. 2018 a las 13:40, Georg Fette (<
georg.fe...@uni-wuerzburg.de>) escribió:

> Hi Peter,
> The Archie-Toolkit looks promising.
> I tried to parse one of the archetypes from the CKM (BloodPressure) and
> tried to parse the exported ADL. However, I got a Exception when trying
> this because the exported ADL does not seem to be parseable:
> line 1:24 mismatched input '1.4' expecting VERSION_ID
> line 2:1 mismatched input 'openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v1'
> expecting ARCHETYPE_HRID
> With the exported XML and the try to unmarshal the XML with the JAXBUtil
> I also did not succeed. Is there somewhere a testcase were I can see a
> working example of a parsed ADL String ?
> Greetings
> Georg
> Hello George,
> If you are looking for something to handle ADL 2 archetypes - the most
> recent version -, have a look at https://github.com/opener/archie . It
> is a java library that can parse archetypes, flatten and validate  them,
> create operational templates and more.
> Are you using the openehr reference model, or something else like fihr?
> Although Archie can parse and serialize archetypes in XML, archetypes
> are usually stored as ADL. This is a custom more readable format. Of
> course you can then easily convert it to XML or Json to work with them
> in other tools where you do not have an ADL parser ready.
> Note that for ADL 2 as far as I know there is no official XSD released
> yet, so it is possible you run into compatibility problems with XML. For
> ADL 1.4 this is not a problem.
> Regards,
> Pieter Bos
> Am 12.11.2018 um 09:18 schrieb Georg Fette:
> > Hello,
> > For a project we want to create a generic mechanism to transform
> > archetypes into FHIR Logical Models, so we can store, retrieve and
> > query archetype instance with FHIR tools (CQL, FHIR-REST-API-query).
> > At the moment we just want to read/write archetypes and not archetype
> > instances. We are looking for existing components to parse and process
> > archetypes. I have some questions I encountered related to these issues:
> > - I have found several projects that store openEHR-data (archetypes as
> > well as archetype instances) into different data substrates (Neo4J,
> > ARM (archetype relational mapping), EtherCIS). Although I have not yet
> > looked at the code of these projects I assume that they take an
> > archetype XML-file, parse it and thus create a runtime object of the
> > archetype. That runtime object can then be given as a parameter to a
> > persistence layer (e.g. JOOQ, Hibernate, etc.). In order to reuse
> > something from already existing projects I am looking for a parser
> > that creates a runtime object from an archetype-XML-String, so we can
> > write our own components that transform it into a FHIR runtime object.
> > The component we are looking for should preferably be written in Java,
> > as this is our language of choice in our project.
> > - I am not ye sure if we are looking for a method to transform
> > archetypes, templates or operational templates into FHIR related
> > structures, as I am not yet that familiar with which data structure is
> > preferably used for which kind of task. Therefore, component that,
> > instead of archetypes, parse templates or operational templates would
> > be appreciated as well.
> > Greetings
> > Georg
> >
> --
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dipl.-Inf. Georg Fette      Raum: B001
> Universität Würzburg        Tel.: +49-(0)931-31-85516
> Am Hubland                  Fax.: +49-(0)931-31-86732
> 97074 Würzburg              mail: georg.fe...@uni-wuerzburg.de
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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