Hi Peter,
The Archie-Toolkit looks promising.

I tried to parse one of the archetypes from the CKM (BloodPressure) and tried to parse the exported ADL. However, I got a Exception when trying this because the exported ADL does not seem to be parseable:
line 1:24 mismatched input '1.4' expecting VERSION_ID
line 2:1 mismatched input 'openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v1' expecting ARCHETYPE_HRID

With the exported XML and the try to unmarshal the XML with the JAXBUtil I also did not succeed. Is there somewhere a testcase were I can see a working example of a parsed ADL String ?


Hello George,

If you are looking for something to handle ADL 2 archetypes - the most recent version -, have a look at https://github.com/opener/archie . It is a java library that can parse archetypes, flatten and validate  them, create operational templates and more.

Are you using the openehr reference model, or something else like fihr?

Although Archie can parse and serialize archetypes in XML, archetypes are usually stored as ADL. This is a custom more readable format. Of course you can then easily convert it to XML or Json to work with them in other tools where you do not have an ADL parser ready.

Note that for ADL 2 as far as I know there is no official XSD released yet, so it is possible you run into compatibility problems with XML. For ADL 1.4 this is not a problem.


Pieter Bos

Am 12.11.2018 um 09:18 schrieb Georg Fette:
For a project we want to create a generic mechanism to transform archetypes into FHIR Logical Models, so we can store, retrieve and query archetype instance with FHIR tools (CQL, FHIR-REST-API-query). At the moment we just want to read/write archetypes and not archetype instances. We are looking for existing components to parse and process archetypes. I have some questions I encountered related to these issues: - I have found several projects that store openEHR-data (archetypes as well as archetype instances) into different data substrates (Neo4J, ARM (archetype relational mapping), EtherCIS). Although I have not yet looked at the code of these projects I assume that they take an archetype XML-file, parse it and thus create a runtime object of the archetype. That runtime object can then be given as a parameter to a persistence layer (e.g. JOOQ, Hibernate, etc.). In order to reuse something from already existing projects I am looking for a parser that creates a runtime object from an archetype-XML-String, so we can write our own components that transform it into a FHIR runtime object. The component we are looking for should preferably be written in Java, as this is our language of choice in our project. - I am not ye sure if we are looking for a method to transform archetypes, templates or operational templates into FHIR related structures, as I am not yet that familiar with which data structure is preferably used for which kind of task. Therefore, component that, instead of archetypes, parse templates or operational templates would be appreciated as well.

Dipl.-Inf. Georg Fette      Raum: B001
Universität Würzburg        Tel.: +49-(0)931-31-85516
Am Hubland                  Fax.: +49-(0)931-31-86732
97074 Würzburg              mail: georg.fe...@uni-wuerzburg.de

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