I'm fine with this improvements, the only thing I feel that can be
troublesome for users is having data_bindings and computed values in a
completely different format/style

El vie., 1 feb. 2019 a las 13:01, Thomas Beale (<thomas.be...@openehr.org>)

> For many years, there has been a little-used capability in ADL which
> enables basic expressions to be stated such as the following in the Apgar
> Observation archetype:
> *rules*
>     *score_sum*:
> /data[id3]/events[id4]/data[id2]/items[id26]/value[id44]/magnitude =
> /data[id3]/events[id4]/data[id2]/items[id6]/value[id40]/value +
> /data[id3]/events[id4]/data[id2]/items[id10]/value[id39]/value +
> /data[id3]/events[id4]/data[id2]/items[id14]/value[id41]/value +
> /data[id3]/events[id4]/data[id2]/items[id18]/value[id42]/value +
> /data[id3]/events[id4]/data[id2]/items[id22]/value[id43]/value
> where all those paths point to the various Apgar leaf data values, i.e.
> total, heart rate etc.
> This kind of statement is intended to assert that the total value = the
> sum of the 5 elements, as per the Apgar formula. However, it was never that
> clear that it is an assertion, not a value-setting formula, which might
> also be something we want.
> It's also not very readable, even if the paths were rendered with a tool,
> they are long and painful to read.
> Another kind of assertion was to for conditional mandation of some part of
> the data depending on some other data element (or more generally, an
> expression), e.g.
> *rules*
>     /data[id2]/items[id21]/items[id15]/value[id50]/defining_code *matches
> *{[at19]} *implies exists */data[id2]/items[id21]/items[id20]
> Here the logical intention is to mandate that the data at the second path,
> which is about details of transfer (i.e. discharge to other care) if the
> value of the datum at the first path, which is 'type of separation' =
> at19|transfer|. Other examples are mandating data containing details of
> tobacco use if the value of the data item 'tobacco use' /= at44|non-user|.
> This also is not that easy to read, or clear in its intentions.
> More recently, as part of the development of a simple expression language
> that can be used across openEHR (archetypes, Task Planning, GDL etc), I
> proposed some key improvements to expressions in archetypes, namely:
>    - symbolic names for paths, done by bindings
>    - an explicit 'check' instruction to make the intention of assertion
>    clearer
>    - a defined() predicate to replace the use of 'exists'
> Examples of how these changes look are shown here in the working copy of
> the ADL2 spec
> <https://specifications.openehr.org/releases/AM/latest/ADL2.html#_rules_section>.
> In this form, the above Apgar example becomes:
> *rules*
>     *check *$apgar_total_value = $apgar_heartrate_value + $
> apgar_breathing_value + $apgar_reflex_value + $apgar_muscle_value + $
> apgar_colour_value
> *data_bindings*
>     content_bindings = <
>         ["apgar_breathing_value"] =
> <"/data[id3]/events[id4]/data[id2]/items[id10]/value[id39]/value">
>         ["apgar_heartrate_value"] =
> <"/data[id3]/events[id4]/data[id2]/items[id6]/value[id40]/value">
>         ["apgar_muscle_value"] =
> <"/data[id3]/events[id4]/data[id2]/items[id14]/value[id41]/value">
>         ["apgar_reflex_value"] =
> <"/data[id3]/events[id4]/data[id2]/items[id18]/value[id42]/value">
>         ["apgar_colour_value"] =
> <"/data[id3]/events[id4]/data[id2]/items[id22]/value[id43]/value">
>         ["apgar_total_value"] =
> <"/data[id3]/events[id4]/data[id2]/items[id26]/value[id44]/magnitude">
>     >
> And the smoking example is:
>     *check *$is_smoker = *True **implies **defined *($smoking_details)
> Note that this does not address the possible requirement of being able to
> state a formula that *sets *a field, or defines a purely computed value
> at a path.
> We are still working on details of the expression language, variable
> binding idea and so on. I am interested in feedback on the approach shown
> in the spec, preferably provided here in the first instance.
> - thomas
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