Hi Pieter,

"But why would I need a function to calculate a score that is just a sum of
a number of values, instead of a few +-operators?"

It is an open question but one advantage of using the function approach,
with simple values is that it can encapsulate the algorithm without too
much dependency on understanding openEHR paths or path -bindings. That
should allow broader engagement with non-openEHR specialists.

My preference is to support use of openEHR datatypes within the expression
(albeit perhaps in reduced format), as otherwise passing units etc as
scalars starts to get cumbersome.


$apgar_heartrate, $apgar_breathing, $apgar_reflex, $apgar_muscle, $

where each of these is actually an ordinal, rather than a scalar value.

Not such a good example but think of a BMI calc, where the units used for
height and weight are critical
We can learn a lot from GDL experience in this regard.


Dr Ian McNicoll
mobile +44 (0)775 209 7859
office +44 (0)1536 414994
skype: ianmcnicoll
email: i...@freshehr.com
twitter: @ianmcnicoll

Co-Chair, openEHR Foundation ian.mcnic...@openehr.org
Director, freshEHR Clinical Informatics Ltd.
Director, HANDIHealth CIC
Hon. Senior Research Associate, CHIME, UCL

On Fri, 1 Feb 2019 at 14:53, Pieter Bos <pieter....@nedap.com> wrote:

> About the calculation:
> Ah, I see, the assignment seems like a good solution. But why would I need
> a function to calculate a score that is just a sum of a number of values,
> instead of a few +-operators?
> Multiplicities/data binding:
> The there exists case is clear. However, what if I have four events, all
> having four elements, each with dv_quantity as value. Say I want the
> magnitude of the last of these quantities to be larger than the sum of the
> first three. Before I could write something like:
> for_all $event in /data/events[id3]
>      $event/data/items/element[id6]/value/magnitude >
>         $event/data/items/element[id4]/value/magnitude +
>         $event/data/items/element[id5]/value/magnitude +
>         $event/data/items/element[id6]/value/magnitude
> (I omitted a few node ids here that are not important for the example)
> Not the most readable -  but it does the job. With data binding, how do I
> express this? There no longer seems to be a path lookup outside of data
> binding, so I can’t write:
> for_all $event in $events
>      $event/data/items/element[id6]/value/magnitude >
>         $event/data/items/element[id4]/value/magnitude +
>         $event/data/items/element[id5]/value/magnitude +
>         $event/data/items/element[id6]/value/magnitude
> And binding all the separate paths to variables doesn’t work either – they
> will be bound as lists, and there is no way to iterate over four lists of
> values at once.
> Note that a path that points to a single typed dvquantity in an archetype
> can still point to many items in the RM if somewhere up the tree there is a
> list or a set, for example more than one observation. So if you really want
> them to be typed on validation time, you need to check every attribute in
> the path to see if it can point to more than one value, then either make it
> a List<List<Integer>> or define in which order to add it as a single list.
> I implemented it by determining type at runtime, but it’s possible
> otherwise. This means that very often you need a for all statement, in
> which case data binding doesn’t really help. I defined some tricks with the
> basic operators also working on equally sized lists to make things a bit
> easier to understand for modelers. That’s why I asked about the execution
> rules. The tricks I did can be easily rewritten into for_all statements if
> we need to have them removed.
> This leads to more interesting cases when you flatten rules to an OPT 2
> template, to obtain a single artifact that can be used for many things,
> including rule evaluation. That is very doable right now by prepending some
> paths and adding some for_all statements. I’m not sure how to do that with
> data binding.
> Regards,
> Pieter Bos
> *From: *openEHR-technical <openehr-technical-boun...@lists.openehr.org>
> on behalf of Thomas Beale <thomas.be...@openehr.org>
> *Reply-To: *For openEHR technical discussions <
> openehr-technical@lists.openehr.org>
> *Date: *Friday, 1 February 2019 at 14:16
> *To: *"openehr-technical@lists.openehr.org" <
> openehr-technical@lists.openehr.org>
> *Subject: *Re: Rules in archetypes - what are the requirements?
> Thanks Pieter,
> this is very useful.
> On 01/02/2019 12:54, Pieter Bos wrote:
> For us the main requirement of the rules is to calculate the value of
> other fields based on other fields. Only the checking of assertions has
> relatively little added value for the use cases our customers encounter. I
> would find it very hard to explain to any users or modelers that they can
> write checks that do the actual score calculation, but that they cannot
> actually use the calculated value anywhere. So we ignore this limitation
> altogether.
> the obvious solution to that requirement seems to be to a) use functions
> and b) to allow assignment:
> *rules*
>     -- assert that manually set total is correct
>     *check *$apgar_total_value == apgar_total ($apgar_heartrate_value, $
> apgar_breathing_value, $apgar_reflex_value, $apgar_muscle_value, $
> apgar_colour_value)
> *rules*
>     -- assign total value
>     $apgar_total_value = apgar_total ($apgar_heartrate_value, $
> apgar_breathing_value, $apgar_reflex_value, $apgar_muscle_value, $
> apgar_colour_value)
> Also the value binding seems to have an case that has not been covered:
> it is possible that a single path lookup results in a list of values. This
> means a single path-bound variable will contain multiple values (so a list
> of values). In the old case, you could handle this with a for_all statement
> to express that the assertion should be valid within the scope of a single
> event, for all events. How could value binding solve this? The same
> question applies to output variable binding as well as input variable
> binding.
> conceptually, rules statements are typed, so in this case, the type will
> be List<Real> or List<DvQuantity> or whatever. In that case, expressions
> need to treat it in the normal way, i.e. with List or Set operators that
> obtain single values. E.g.
> $systolic_bp_samples: List<Real>
> there_exists v in $systolic_bp_samples : v > Systolic_bp_threshold implies
> ....
> These kinds of things (and for_all) are documented in the Expression
> Language draft
> <https://specifications.openehr.org/releases/LANG/latest/expression_language.html#_collection_operators>
> .
> Related to this, both the current and proposed specification is missing
> execution rules, especially when paths lookup to a list of values instead
> of a single variable and how to handle that. For example what does the
> following mean when /data/events/data/items/element[id3]/value/magnitude
> resolves to more than one value?
> I don't see how it can, since that path is defined to be of type Real (not
> List<Real> or Set<Real> etc) by the RM definition of DvQuantity. But I'm
> probably missing something in the sense of your question...
> Anyway, the more I can find out about current requirements, working
> solutions, workaround etc, the better - the intention is to evolve the
> expression facility in archetypes to match those needs and to be as useful
> as possible.
> - thomas
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