On 08/01/14 23:20, Trevor Woerner wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> This is a "Request For Comments" email regarding a "bug scrub" party the
> OE TSC would like to hold.
> background:
> It has been noticed that the number of bugs in the bugzilla[1] has been
> climbing; it would be nice to hold a "bug scrub" event to raise
> awareness of the bugzilla and hopefully get some issues resolved.
> questions:
> 1) Currently it has been suggested this should be a 2-day event, should
> these two days be during the week or over a weekend? In either case,
> which 2 days?

If it's two days long then why don't you do the best of both worlds and
have a Friday/Saturday or Sunday/Monday combination?

> 2) Since this is an OE event, should it focus only on OE bugs[2], or
> should it be generalized for any bug?

I don't think we should be limiting people to what they can work on
while "participating".

> 3) Should we create a sign-up sheet (wiki) to keep track of who is
> participating, and which issues are being looked at by whom?
> (anything else?)

I think maybe a "I will be there at some point for some amount of time"
column would be good, and maybe a place to register interest for certain
bugs or areas of code that need improvement.

> notes:
> 1) If you or the company for which you work uses OE/Yocto, please
> consider making this a company event and having/allowing the engineers
> (to) participate.
> 2) Even if you're not a recipe-, or a build-, or a python-wizard there
> are still many things you can do to contribute. Being able to reproduce
> a bug or reporting that a bug can't be reproduced can sometimes be quite
> helpful (sometimes this points to a host issue or to a bug's description
> not being descriptive enough). Sometimes a bug is stuck in the "needs
> info" stage which maybe you can provide.

People with different environments is always useful, either bleeding
edge or "very stable". Variety is the spice of life ;)

> 3) Can anyone think of way to help "get the word out"?
> 4) It would be cool to be able to provide incentives to help people get
> interested and contributing to knocking some bugs around. So if anyone
> (*cough* Intel) has any neat hardware (*cough* Galileo, Edison) they
> could offer as an incentive (or, conversely, if there's a board you'd
> like to see Yocto target) please see about making that happen.

A unified effort towards a "new trendy" board would be a fun goal, but I
worry that hardware teething issues would then eat up run of the mill
bug fixing time, handouts for participation however, (bug fixed/reviewed
by/tested by) would be a great idea.

> Thanks and best regards,
>     Trevor
> [1] https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org
> [2]
> https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/buglist.cgi?bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ACCEPTED&bug_status=IN%20PROGRESS%20DESIGN&bug_status=IN%20PROGRESS%20DESIGN%20COMPLETE&bug_status=IN%20PROGRESS%20IMPLEMENTATION&bug_status=IN%20PROGRESS%20REVIEW&bug_status=REOPENED&bug_status=NEEDINFO&bug_status=WaitForUpstream&classification=Build%20System%20%26%20Metadata&list_id=156074&product=OE-Core&query_format=advanced&resolution=---&order=bug_id%20DESC&query_based_on=


  Jack Mitchell (j...@embed.me.uk)
  Embedded Systems Engineer
  Cambridgeshire, UK
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