On 01/09/2014 10:07 AM, Trevor Woerner wrote:
> On 01/09/14 05:56, Jack Mitchell wrote:
>> On 08/01/14 23:20, Trevor Woerner wrote:
>>> questions:
>>> 1) Currently it has been suggested this should be a 2-day event, should
>>> these two days be during the week or over a weekend? In either case,
>>> which 2 days?
>> If it's two days long then why don't you do the best of both worlds and
>> have a Friday/Saturday or Sunday/Monday combination?
> I was thinking of doing it either fully during the week, or fully on a
> weekend since my feeling is that most people either work with OE/Yocto
> during the weekdays or on the weekend. There's nothing to say we
> couldn't run this "bug scrub" during the week, then run a second "bug
> scrub" 2 months from now on a weekend (or visa versa).

I'd suggest starting with a one day thing on a weekday so we can try and
get a critical mass of people in place over a shorter period. We can
always change things around based on how this works.

>>> 2) Since this is an OE event, should it focus only on OE bugs[2], or
>>> should it be generalized for any bug?
>> I don't think we should be limiting people to what they can work on
>> while "participating".
> Since this is an OE TSC event I didn't want any hard feelings ;-) I also
> thought that maybe it would be easier to get people interested if this
> "bug scrub" was targeted at a specific project. I thought there's a
> chance it might help get people interested if we said "let's have a bug
> event where we target these 30 bugs" instead of saying "there are 1000's
> of bugs in the bugzilla, pick one and try to do something about it".

Can someone make a bugzilla query that lists bugs that are good
candidates for a bug scrub. Ideally, things that are easy to resolve so
we can beat the numbers down,


>>> 4) It would be cool to be able to provide incentives to help people get
>>> interested and contributing to knocking some bugs around. So if anyone
>>> (*cough* Intel) has any neat hardware (*cough* Galileo, Edison) they
>>> could offer as an incentive (or, conversely, if there's a board you'd
>>> like to see Yocto target) please see about making that happen.
>> A unified effort towards a "new trendy" board would be a fun goal, but I
>> worry that hardware teething issues would then eat up run of the mill
>> bug fixing time, handouts for participation however, (bug fixed/reviewed
>> by/tested by) would be a great idea.
> Sorry, yes, this is what I meant.
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