2009/11/8 Koen Kooi <k.k...@student.utwente.nl>:
> On 08-11-09 15:08, Frans Meulenbroeks wrote:
>> Without making a comment on the commit message:
>> As stated before the 3.33 version is clearly mentioned as "latest
>> development version" on http://xmltwig.com/xmltwig/
>> The last stable version is 3.32
>> This project decided to provide snapshots (or whatever you want to
>> call it) of the new version. In this case 3.33. Their choice.
> 3.33 is a version. A version is a point, not a distance. If it's a snapshot
> than you should call is twig-snapshot, twig-3.33rc1 or whatever.
> Replacing a versioned tarball weekly is *bad*, since you (as upstream
> maintainer) don't know what the "3.33" is your users are complaining about.
> And note that *nowhere* on that page it is stated that the development
> version keeps getting updated. And for that matter it also doesn't say 3.32
> is any better.

Note that I am only relaying what the dev told me and that it by no
means reflect my personal opinion.

And indeed they do not mention that the unstable version can change,
nor that the stable won't change.
It might be that cpan has some rules for not updating stable versions
so it might be that pulling from cpan is better. I don't know cpan and
its way of working well enough to make a statement about that.

--- My personal $ 0.02:
If I want to reuse something from the web, I'm happy that I can get
it, as it saves me work.
If it is not fully the way I want it, I try to convince or educate
them to do things differently.
If they won't, either I have to live with it or avoid that specific
piece of software.
Making snide remarks in a public area only creates irritation and
frustration and does not help./
--- End of my $ 0.02 (and someday I'll learn how to insert a euro
symbol in my emails :-) )


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