On 2013-03-22 08:24, David Hirst wrote:
     I have been struggling with a oe/bitbake issue. I wanted to add an
other .bb to the image file.
I have tried multiple ways but always end up at the same spot. I have
created a new task-XXX.bb file which includes my bb
I edited the XXXX-rootfs-image.bb to include the task-XXX.bb.
Once built I find that everything built fine and the new recipe was built
but was not loaded into the XXXX-rootfs-image.tar,gz.
If I look into the image directory for the bb file I see the compiled
application in usr/sbin.
I have tried this with my own .bb file and net-snmp bb file which comes
with the default oe-layersetup installation with the same result.
Did I not edit a file or miss some other required step?

Wow, the same question on three mailing lists (that I read, there
may be more...) and no cross-posting!

This list is perhaps the most appropriate one for your question.

More details will help.  Exactly what did you change in the 

Gary Thomas                 |  Consulting for the
MLB Associates              |    Embedded world

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