On 05/21/2013 05:22 PM, Burton, Ross wrote:
On 21 May 2013 11:08, Carlos Rafael Giani <d...@pseudoterminal.org> wrote:
It would
be useful to instruct Mesa to turn off its OpenGLES and EGL support, leaving
Mesa only for GLX+Desktop OpenGL (software-rendered), if anybody really
needs it. As an alternative, as you suggest, I could simply turn off desktop
OpenGL, but I have the feeling that this would be better off as a user
decision that can be configured in the local.conf file. What do you think?
You can change mesa's PACKAGECONFIG to not build egl and gles.
meta-intel does something like this because the EMGD/CDT drivers are
in the same boat.

However considering our software GL support in Mesa is currently
swrast (very very bad) and not llvmpipe (usable if you have enough
CPU, which we generally don't) you generally don't want to actually
have any OpenGL present at all.  Generally it's mesa-demos that pulls
in virtual/libgl, and in master this can be disabled.  This may be
worth a backport if someone wants to backport and test it.

Openembedded-devel mailing list

Good point. It would also discourage people from using compositing managers which render using desktop OpenGL, then wondering why the 3D effects are so awfully slow. Same goes for stuff like Enlightenment Evas, which uses by default the desktop GL backend instead of the GLES one.
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