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Stefan Schmidt escreveu:
> That is were the fun begins. :) I disagree on this. Let me explain a
> bit further.
> We are working on this since october 2005. All the time out-of-tree.
> Due to the massive changes in mainline our patches are rotting very
> fast. Keeping up with the changes is hard work. Many thanks to Antonio
> for having done this for the last releases.


> If we now start again trying to make our first patchset really great
> we run into the same problems once again. I don't think that this
> would be good for the project.

        I wouldnt say "really great". PCAP is "the important CODE"(TM) and
without it OpenEZX is just a brick.
        Our current linux2.6-arm branch looks good and would be accepted by
arm-linux people without much hassle, but it really doesnt do much, it
just configures pxafb and pxa_pwm, nothing more.
        We need PCAP for MCI, UDC, TS, Sound, etc... Basically, EZX _is_ the

> Therefor I like to drive a submit-early-and-often strategy from now
> on. The workflow is pretty easy:

        I agree with this strategy, _after_ pcap. :)

> I think this is the only way the project can survive with the given
> manpower.

        What about some concentrated effort to clean up PCAP? And a 2 weekend
deadline for submission? I see that you are very determined to push our
patchset upstream, and so am I. If you can assert that your motivation
will last for these 2 weeks, i can assert you that in 2 weeks the pcap
driver will be ready for mainline. :)

> Directly afterwards we can start with the next small batch. PCAP and
> TS if you like. Trust me, I also like to have more features in the
> first batch to show what we are already able to do, but I just think
> that this will bring us nowhere.
> So, how do you feel about this after a I explained it a bit further?

        I still feel that PCAP is "the important code"(TM). ;)
        How do you feel about the above deadline for us fix it? If pcap is not
ready in 2 weeks you go and submit the first batch without pcap stuff.

- --
Daniel Ribeiro
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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