
The choice is yours.

To do a synchronous call, send the flow_mod followed up a
barrier_request.  You will get the barrier_reply back.

To do asynchronous calls, just send the flow_mod and wait for error
messages.  The error messages should carry the same xid (transaction
id) as the flow_mod and the flow_mod generated the error.

You do not need to tweak TCP options for this.  It is usu. done in an
async manner.  If you are using a controller like NOX, then this
should not really be of much concern.  Are you whipping up a new


On 20 May 2011 13:11, G A <ga_a...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi all
> What is the expected/standard way to handle error messages to flow_mod 
> requests?
> If they are treated as SYNC messages, then my application would have to wait 
> for
> an ack. But if the switch has happily accepted the flow_mod, it does not send
> back anything - causing my app to hang forever.
> If they are treated as ASYNC messages, then my application fires off a 
> flow_mod
> and hopes all's well and goes about doing other things.  Sometime later an 
> async
> error message might be received.  Now my app's in trouble since I have already
> done things I shouldn't have and rolling back can be messy.
> One workaround to this might be:  Send a flow_mod message. Set socket.timeout
> for a second maybe and if nothing arrived yet, then we can safely assume all's
> well.  But this seems to be a very bad hack since the app has to wait
> unnecessarily even if things have gone well.
> Any other suggestions ?
> regards
> Gopal Agrawal
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