Le Ven 7 juin 2013 15:23, Vernon Adams a écrit :

> This i what i pointed at earlier. The OFL defines a font's usage as either
> 'embedding' or 'distribution'.

This is irrelevant. As noted during the GPLv3 review process, both
'derivative' and 'distribution' are specific legal terms a license can not
redefine. A license writer that does not like the boundaries of those
terms must either use different terms (like the GPL v3 did for conveyance)
or explicitely state that a use, even though it is a distribution (or
derivation) in legal terms is exempt from the conditions the licence
imposes to derivatives or distribution as a whole.

I don't see anywhere in the OFL text where embedding is exempt from
distribution clauses. And you can't argue it is not distribution because
legaly – it is.

Nicolas Mailhot

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