Dear all,

for those interested in archetypes, there are new downloads and web pages to look at:

1. The latest archetype workbench: (choose the adl_workbench.tgz link; Watch out for Windows rewriting the extension to something else!!!).

2. The latest Ocean Informatics archetype editor:

We are still on Windows for the tools in 1 & 2 above, but the workbench will soon be available on MacOS and linux (it is just recompiling and configuration). A Java version of the editor is under construction, so the wait will be a bit longer for that.

3. There is also a growing list of fully worked archetypes which are being developed in a consultative process in Australia at present.

Thomas Beale, Sam Heard


CTO Ocean Informatics (
Research Fellow, University College London (
Chair Architectural Review Board, openEHR (

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