If your organization does not have a proper website, or if it needs a
better one, you may find interesting an article published on 2005-05-10
by the Linux Journal magazine, named: "Seven Criteria for Evaluating
Open-Source Content Management Systems"

In that article we may read:
"Using a content management system (CMS) to manage a Web site used to be
a luxury within the reach of only those who had the technical resources
to build a custom solution or the financial resources to afford a
proprietary one.
In recent years, numerous pre-built open-source CMSes have emerged as
viable alternatives to costly proprietary products or custom-built

Cost savings are not the only reason why open-source CMSes are gaining
in popularity.
Unlike proprietary products, the source code for open-source CMSes is
freely available so *it is possible to customize the CMS* to match your
project's requirements.
*Customized versions also can be redistributed* according to the terms
of their licenses.
In addition, the benefit of free technical support provided by the Open
Source community cannot be discounted.

Development and long-term maintenance costs of a custom-built CMS can be
high. Keeping up with new requirements or security issues can take a lot
of time and effort. Open-source CMSes combine the advantages of the
proprietary and custom-built approaches--a pre-built CMS that is ready
to use but can be customized if needed.

If you choose wisely, an open-source CMS can provide a stable, flexible
and cost-effective system that is well-suited for your content
management needs. More importantly, open-source CMSes give you the
freedom to stay in control of your content management solution."

See the full article at: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/8301
You may also find interesting to take a look at:

J. Antas

PS - At http://e-HealthExpert.org we are also using a free/open source
Content Management System (in this case Drupal from www.drupal.org) to
manage the site contents. Most of the time it produces fully W3C
standards compliant HTML and CSS code. It has no frames or any other
annoyances. It was easy to set up, has been easy to maintain and has
proved to be very reliable. Being fully standards based also has the
benefit of making the Internet search engines love it.

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