Joseph Dal Molin wrote:
This is another example of garbage in = garbage out. I can't understand how studies like this with a sample size of one, are allowed to be published in what appears to be a "scholarly journal".

I am sure that if you provide a better study with a lot more samples they will be glad to publish it.
> I have often questioned the quality of peer review in academic medical informatics
because of articles like this one...

I wonder, were they simply praising and/or glorifying a new EHR/CPOE, would you be so critical?

The aeronautical industry only started to get really safe and reliable after they started to exhaustively study all their accidents and/or non-expected events.

This combined with the software industry's legacy business model and marketing are the greatest enemies for innovation in health care IT....

I would rather say that the worst enemy is failing to see the human factor and the social issues as the main causes for Clinical IT failure.

In healthcare I tend to agree with the Nicholas G. Carr's "IT Doesn't Matter" principle.
Seen at that light a Clinical IT system is not really different from using a stethoscope or an ultrasonagraph. They are all limited means to reach a common end: to better help other human beings.

> feel free to add more to the list.

Fear not, I guess that my freedom has not being menaced yet.

Best regards,

J. Antas

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