--- In openhealth@yahoogroups.com, David Forslund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I apologize for bringing this up, but it does affect my relationship
> with OSHCA
> since it is being incorporated in Malaysia.  I will be unable to
> in Malaysia because of the politics/human rights issues I see happening
> in that country.
> Sorry,
> Dave Forslund

Hi Dave,

It seems that your President doesn't share your sentiment nor mind
working with Malaysia. See the press statement below and please note
the first sentence of that statement.

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
March 8, 2006

Statement by the President on U.S.-Malaysia Free Trade Agreement

The United States and Malaysia share strong trade and investment ties
and a commitment to generating prosperity through openness, democracy,
and freedom. Today, we seek to further strengthen the ties between our
two countries by launching negotiations on a comprehensive
U.S.-Malaysia Free Trade Agreement.

Once completed, a Free Trade Agreement with Malaysia will generate
significant commercial, economic, political, and strategic benefits to
both countries. It will improve our ties with the Southeast Asia
region and strengthen our engagement in Asia. Malaysia is our
tenth-largest trading partner, and the United States is Malaysia's
second-largest source of imports. A U.S.-Malaysia Free Trade Agreement
will advance our commitment to opening markets around the world and
expanding opportunities for America's farmers, ranchers, workers, and
Source: http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2006/03/20060308-10.html#

Now if you need further evidence that your President wants to work
with us, please refer to the presentation entitled, "U.S.-Malaysia
Free Trade Agreement: Economic and Strategic Benefits" which is
downloadable at

- High-tech and computer & Health Care on slide 7, Opportunities for
US Service Providers.
- On slide 8, Malaysia - a strong strategic partner

Now, what do you make of that?


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