
>Clinical Trial/ Research Software ie OIO

I would suggest you look at OpenClinica, a web-based, LGPL-licensed
platform for clinical trials. OpenClinica provides electronic data
capture, subject tracking, and data management capabilities. It has been
downloaded over 3,000 times from and is in use at
the NIH, contract research organizations, and academic medical centers
in the U.S and worldwide. We have over 1,000 users registered at

Unfortunately, I will not be able to make the conference due to prior
commitments. The agenda looks great!


Cal Collins
Chief Executive Officer
Akaza Research
One Kendall Square, Bldg 400, Fourth Floor
Cambridge, MA 02139

p 617.621.8585 x11
f 617.621.0065
c 617-504-4664

"Professional Open Source for Clinical Research"



1a. SCALE talk
    Posted by: "Fred Trotter" [EMAIL PROTECTED] tr0tt3r
    Date: Thu Jan 11, 2007 7:41 am ((PST))

Hello OpenHealth,
             I hope you are all aware of the SCALE healthcare day...

             If you can make it you should, the speakers line up is full
of real players in our industry.

             I am scheduled to talk on "Whats going on in healthcare"
the intent of my talk is to give a summary about what is REALLY going on
in Free and Open Source Healthcare. I want to talk about what projects
are moving and which projects are dead. I want to talk about what we as
a larger community are doing well with and what we as a community are
doing poorly with. In short I want to present my audience with useful
bias as opposed to mere information.

              I fully intend to make some bold statements about the
state of our industry. But I do not want to do that without having more
information about what is really happening. So I am turning this
question on the community? What IS going on in Free and Open Source
Healthcare? Here are the areas that I would like commentary on. Please
feel free to comment on areas that I am overlooking.

First whats going on in medical imaging? ie Osiris

Second what is happening in Genomics/Protenomics/Cell Modeling? i.e.

What is happening in decision support/diagnostics? OpenPsyc etc etc

Clinical Trial/ Research Software ie OIO

Drug Database - i.e. Uversa effort

EHR clinical i.e. MirrorMed/ClearHealth -- VOE

EHR hospital ie. VistA/Care2x

PHR ie Indivo

Interoperability/MPI Mirth/OHF etc etc.

There are lots of fine project lists out there. I do not want
information that I could find on Google. I want the inside scoop! Who
are the loosers who are the winners. In some of these areas I already
know the answers, and I simply need a gut-check. In other areas I am
truly ignorant. Feel free to email me privately if you want something to
be off-the-record.


Fred Trotter

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