*Preliminary Announcement!



    Moving the FOSS Agenda for Health: Setting the Framework for

*1-4 May 2007
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Call for Presentations OSHCA 2007 - Annual Open Source Health Care 
Alliance Meeting

This four-day conference provides the opportunity for Free/Open Source 
Software (FOSS) applications in healthcare, its updates and the use of 
FOSS technologies to be presented to participants particularly from the 
developing countries of the Asia-Pacific region. The target audience, in 
addition to the FOSS in Healthcare Community, will include interested 
persons from Ministries of Health and Private Health Care Facilities 
from this region.

The conference agenda will also include presentations and workshops on a 
variety of issues focussing on interoperability and data exchange. Major 
concerns on affordability and developing human capacity in the 
promotion, adoption and the use of FOSS applications will be deliberated 

To register your interest in presenting your applications, please email 
a brief description of your application (not more than 250 words) and 
its reference url in plain text or XHTML to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

OSHCA Committee will decide on the final programme, logistics etc at its 
coming committee meeting.
For updated information on the conference status and registration 
information as it becomes available please visit the conference site at: 

In the meantime, please register your interests asap to enable us to 
plan the conference agenda.


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