Nandalal Gunaratne wrote:
> Thank you Thomas. This is not urinalysis but urea and
> electrolytes! 
> What is the "Any Result" "data type is not set" doing
> here. It is, after all, urea and electrolytes, and the
> electrolytes are mentioned. Is this to leave room for
> rare electrolytes like the level of copper in the
> blood or iron?
yes sorry, my mind wandered after I realised we hadn't posted a 
urinalysis result as such. "Any result" is just a placeholder name in an 
archetype for "new items" that might be added at runtime, i.e. if a 
different protein needed to be added. This is one of the things that 
allows data capture to go beyond the explicitly stated things in an 
archetype at runtime. The data type will be determined at runtime (must 
inherit from DATA_VALUE, due to the reference model).

- thomas

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