Mark Preston wrote:
> Will Ross wrote:
>> The following link will send you to a four page introduction to Open  
>> Source Software published by the HIMSS Open Source Work Group.
>> Principal authors of this document, in alphabetical order, are:
>> Neil Cowles
>> Guy Fisher
>> Nilish Gupte
>> Drew Ivan
>> Will Ross
>> Corrections and suggested improvements are welcome and may be sent to  
>> my attention for the next edition.

> Regarding the GPL your article states inter alia:
> "The fourth freedom is also a restriction: by changing the source code, 
> the licensee agrees to release the changed code under the same free 
> software license. In other words, the results must also remain as open 
> source software, allowing the whole community to benefit from all
> improvements."
> This is incorrect. There is no compulsion to redistribute changes as far 
> as I'm aware. If you decide to publicly redistribute changes then you 
> must observe the fourth "freedom", but otherwise you can keep your 
> changes to yourself.

Yes, that is absolutely correct. If you don't distribute modified code
or derivative works outside "your organisation", then the GPL does not
require that the modified code or derivative works be shared or
otherwise made available to others. Thus it is perfectly OK to, say,
link or combine GPLed code with, say, proprietary, closed-source code,
provided the resulting derivative or modified work is only used inside
your organisation.

Hmm, I'd better correct a few more errors (just a few...):

P1, Para 1: source code is not always human-readable (eg any perl
code...just joking!), but teh wikipedia definition is slightly better
than yours: "Source code (commonly just source or code) is any sequence
of statements and/or declarations written in some human-readable
computer programming language."  Also, don't conflate "commercial
software" with "closed-source". Free, open source software can be
commercial, and closed source software can be free or non-commercial.
the use of the term "proprietary" is best avoided as well (even though I
use it below), because "proprietary" means something is owned, and open
source software (except public domain software) is absolutely owned by
its copyright holders.

P1, Para 4: Lack of previous experience with OSS is identified as a
risk. Surely it is more a lack of technical expertise in the particular
technology that is the risk, and that risk is independent of the
licensing arrangements of that technology? Also, capitalisation has
little to do with indemnification (against what? patent challenges?) or
liability risks (risks of what? software failure or flaws?). Also, open
source software is no more likely to infringe patents etc than closed
source software (see the $1.2 billion Microsoft has just been ordered to
pay for MP3 patent infringements). In fact, it is less likely to
infringe patents because such infringements are spotted and usually
removed before damages can be claimed by the patent holders.

p2 "All open source licenses stipulate that the source code is available
for inspection and reuse." Better to say "Many open source licenses
stipulate that if the software is distributed or shared with others,
then the source code must also be shared or otherwise made available for
inspection and reuse." I say "many" because popular licenses like the
MIT and BSD licenses don't stipulate anything about source code being
made available - see
It is really only the copyleft licenses that do that.

That means that the next paragraph is also wrong - permissive open
source licenses don't require that source code be made available.

However, you should note that the OSI open source definition doesn't
refer to "open source licenses", it refers to "open source software".
Thus, the MIT and BSD licenses can and are also used to distribute
closed-source software. Suggest that you don't talk about "open source
licenses" but instead "licenses commonly used for open source software".

P2, last para. Those four freedoms do not constitute copyleft. As the
FSF says at : "Copyleft is a general method
for making a program or other work free, and requiring all modified and
extended versions of the program to be free as well." - see the rest of
that page and also the wikipedia entry on copyleft for correct definitions.

P3, para1 - error re GPL requiring distribution already noted above.

P3, para2: The Mozilla and LGPL are both copyleft licenses, they are not
permissive BSD/MIT-style licenses. The FSF terms them "weak" copyleft
licenses, while it reqards the GPL as a "strong" copyleft license. But
both the LGPL and the Mozilla license (and maybe some of the others you
mention) are definitely not permissive licenses - they require
distribution of source code if modified versions are shared with others
(and that is the core concept behind copyleft). The GPL is *not* the
only copyleft license (despite what the FSF may say - but then FSF would
have conniptions about your use of the term "open source software" - it
insists that "free software" is the correct term).

p3, para3 is also wrong - see above. There is absolutely no problem
mixing GPL, Mozilla or any other copyleft code with proprietary, closed
source code *within an organisation*. It is only if you want to
distribute the mixed code to others that you need to worry about what
the differences between open source licenses are. BSD-style licensed
code can be freely mixed with proprietary closed-source code and
distributed to others, and Mozilla- and LGPL-licensed code can be freely
linked (but not mixed) with proprietary, closed-source code and
distributed to others, while GPL-licensed code distributed to others can
only link to non-GPL code at runtime.

p3 para4: see above - the GPL does not enforce "openness" of IP added to
GPLed code, provided that the GPLed code with teh IP added to it not
distributed to others. Also, not all of the Linux kernel is under the
GPL, some is BSD-licensed, and most is licensed under a modified version
of the GPL (with an extra clause) that makes it clear that proprietary,
closed-source code is permitted to make runtime calls to the kernel

p3 para5: LGPL is not permissive in the BSD sense, it just has weaker
copyleft provisions than the GPL.

p3 last para: A bit misleading, because many of the most successful open
source vendors do sell their software - either "commercially licensed"
versions as MySQL does, or extended partially-closed source versions as
SugarCRM does, or some of the value-added PostgreSQL resellers do.

p4 para1: I am not sure the assertions in that paragraph are true, and
are certainly not always true. And I don't think the paragraph helps
anyone in their understanding of FOSS. Suggest that you delete it.

Refs: some very good essays at and also
lots of good and accurate articles on open source topics and concepts on
wikipedia. In fact, you might do well to just re-use some of those
articles from wikipedia (with attributions, but you are permitted to
re-use them under the wikipedia Creative Commons license) rather than
use your own take on these concepts, which is just not quite correct in
many respects as noted above.

Sorry to be so negative but you did ask for corrections... others should
feel free to correct my corrections!

Tim C

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