The following link will send you to a four page introduction to Open  
Source Software published by the HIMSS Open Source Work Group.

Principal authors of this document, in alphabetical order, are:

Neil Cowles
Guy Fisher
Nilish Gupte
Drew Ivan
Will Ross

Corrections and suggested improvements are welcome and may be sent to  
my attention for the next edition.

With best regards,


- - - - - - - -

will ross
project manager
mendocino informatics
216 west perkins street, suite 206
ukiah, california  95482  usa
707.462.6369 [office]
707.462.5015 [fax]

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- - - - - - - -

will ross
project manager
mendocino health records exchange
216 west perkins street, suite 206
ukiah, california  95482  usa
707.462.6369 [office]
707.462.5015 [fax]

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"Getting people to adopt common standards is impeded by patents."
     Sir Tim Berners-Lee,  BCS,  2006

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