I think a map will be cool. There is a map in one of
the exibit demos, but it does not show up when I go
into it.

Tiddliywiki is a really nice tool. I can add a gui
toolbar to it and make it editable, then anyone can
easily edit it. It is easier than exibit in thay way.
But on the other hand those who visit this site will
usually be familiar with html/javascript I should
think ;-)

Since it is a wiki, we could allow members to edit it
while the exibit can be kept under dictatorial control
by Tim.

Do we add the disclaimer that listing in the site does
not mean OSHCA endorses it? 


--- Tim Churches <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> David Forslund wrote:
> > This is a big help.   I'll check it out.  I saw
> the link for trial 
> > SIMILE Exhibit, but had no idea what that was or
> what the Data file was 
> > about.  What is SIMILE?
> It is a project group at MIT: Semantic
> Interoperability of Metadata and
> Information in unLike Environments - see
> http://simile.mit.edu/ - they
> created the excellent Exhibit and Timeline
> Javascript frameworks used to
> organise and display the data. Exhibit allows data
> to be exported as RDF
> and N3 and other Semantic Web formats - that's its
> real aim. Very clever.
> >  Isn't the FOSS Health Applications link showing 
> > some of the same data? 
> Yes, that was Nandalal very useful first go. Teh
> SIMILE Exhibit stuff is
> marked as a trial because we still haven't decided
> to abandon Nandalal's
> TiddlyWiki presntation entirely - at least not until
> all teh data in it
> are harvested. And even then I it may still be
> useful (I love TiddlyWiki...)
> I added an OpenEMed entry to the Exhibit data file -
> could you check it
> please?
> Also, what do people think about maps? Does every
> open source in health
> project have a geographical home (or homes)? Not
> really, but a map would
> still look pretty cool...
> Tim C
> >> It's the one that says:
> >>
> >>      Data file for trial SIMILE Exhibit listing
> >>      In JSON format
> >>
> >> and points to here:
> >> http://www.oshca.org/healthdir/foss_health.js
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Tim
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>   
> > 
> > 

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