Thanks Christian for uploading these forms. Perhaps I should explain 
that the travel expense estimates are to be completed by those who seek 
to get financial support to attend the OSHCA Conference 2007 from May 
8-11 in Kuala Lumpur. Priority will be given to presenters/trainers who 
had or will submit abstract(s) for their presentation. Annoucements to 
this effect had been made on this list as well as other lists before. 
Priority will also be given to OSHCA members or would-be-OSHCA members, 
individuals or from non-profit organisations. "Small-fit" or up-start 
for-profit organisations will be considered for major expense support 
(partial scholarship for items like airfare, hotel), if the technical 
committee feels that their presence and presentation will benefit the 
conference participants. For your information, Conference registration 
is approx. USD100 (MYR350) per person that also covered lunch and 2 
tea/coffee breaks with snacks for 4 days.

I would like to mention here that support for such scholarships is only 
possible through the generousity of the Research Support Grant from 
IDRC, Canada (thanks to Laurent Elder who is on this list) and 
UNDP-APDIP's IOSN Asean+3 programme (thanks to Alvin Marcelo who is also 
on this list) Alvin is also working with OSHCA to organise a training 
programme for at least 20 new programmers from Asia in our capacity 
building initiative with funding from InWEnt, Germany. This programme 
will be carried out during concurrent sessions on the 4th day of the 
conference. We are still finalising the training content which will 
focus on FOSS concepts and Health Data Interoperability. I would welcome 
the presenters and participants coming for the conference to volunteer 
to be trainers if appropriate. Apart from the committee members having 
to volunteer their time to "manage" the conference (hence a different 
form for committee), others who wish to also volunteer are encouraged to 
do so. The Logistics Committee will come out with a "to-do" list for 
"before and during" the conference.

Please e-mail me (or Alvin) directly for information on availability of 
other funding sources, depending on where you are coming from e.g IOSN 
South Asia.

My apologies that the OSHCA web-portal is painfully slow, so we will try 
to upload any updated conference programme and annoucements here as 
well. A separate mailing list called [EMAIL PROTECTED] had been 
created (thanks to Soo Hoe) for those who will be attending the OSHCA 
conference to receive updates and announcements regarding the 
conference. Subsequently all those who register to attend the conference 
using form-002 will be subscribed to the list. There are several people 
who will be attending the conference but are not on this openhealth 
list. The settings for the list are:
- all members can post without moderation
- people can subscribe and unsubscribe by themselves
- list archive publicly viewable
If you wish to subscribe to this mailing list, go to the participants ml 
webpage at
and subscribe or if you have problem, let me know so that I can 
subscribe you to the list.

Apologies for this lengthy post.
Christian Heller wrote:

>I have uploaded three documents to the OpenHealth Site at Yahoo:
>The documents are for:
>- OSHCA Conference 2007 registration
>- Obtaining Travel Expense Estimate for Non-Committee Members
>- Obtaining Travel Expense Estimate for Committee Members

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