I look forward to reluctant offer of offlist communication, Fred.

Regarding the health software patent paradox, I actually do understand
the point you're making about the ethical questions of patented
healthcare tools, especially if greed or pride prevent the use of such
tools for improving health.

In my situation, I had no thought of patents (or even commercialization)
when I began this journey in 1981. As a newly licensed clinical
psychologist, all I wanted to do was create a computerized tool that
would help be help my patients by developing a symptom checklist to
track their progress and outcomes. Since I had no formal I.T. training,
and since I was fascinated by Visicalc, I naturally turned to
spreadsheets for developing the checklist (going from Appleworks to
Lotus 123 to MS Excel). A couple of years into it, I asked myself this
question: What if, instead of just tracking psychological symptoms, I
expanded the data set to track and analyze every piece of potentailly
useful information by adding biomedical and mind-body interaction data
to the psychological symptom data. Later, I wanted to include assessment
of patients' thoughts processes and the causes & consequences of
their stressful life situations. Most recently, I started adding
wellness assessment data. All this focused on helping with treatment
planning, delivery of treatment, use of self-help tools (e.g., using
problem solving tools), and assessing patient progress and outcomes.

It wasn't until around 1993 that I began having thoughts of starting
a software company centered on selling the application I've
developed to my mental health colleagues. NHDS was incorporated in May
1994. Despite encouragement and support from some wonderful people, a
few sales to early adopters, the bottom line was that I came to market
about 15 years too early into a hostile business environment.

Several years later, I realized that the application I developed had
many unique technological functions and capabilities, which had nothing
to do with healthcare per se. We then reasoned that patenting these
underlying components might be a way into other markets. So, I wrote the
CP Split technology patent in 1997, which was granted in 1998. A few
years later, we used the patented process for a knowledge management
application developed for the oil & gas industry and for an application
in education. In addition, we used in prototypes applicable to financial
services, retail/wholesale, space science, and research. Our involvement
in healthcare was minimal during this period since we didn't see
real opportunities to market our technology.

Anyway, it wasn't until the summer of 2005—with the Office of
the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONCHIT)
RFP—that we saw an opportunity and a good reason to refocus on

Looking back now, I can say that if we had greater success in healthcare
during our initial efforts in the early 1990's, it's unlikely we
would have decided to spend big bucks to patent our software processes
and we wouldn't have shifted our focus away from healthcare and onto
developing applications for non-health-related industries. But
that's the nature of business and disruptive innovation.

Nevertheless, since (a) our patented (and non-patented) processes have
the potential to transform healthcare worldwide in a radically positive
way (as I will describe in little while), and since (b) open source is
emerging as a viable business model, then (c) I see, for the first time
in my life, a real opportunity for making our world a better place
through international cooperation among compassionate people focused on
improving the health and wellbeing of all … something that excites
me since I've only dreamt of it in the past!!!

You were the first to point out that my generalized blog statement—
"Note that there are dozens of other open source licenses, including
those that prohibit derived work and free sharing"—is inaccurate. I
changed "prohibit " to "restrict", btw, which I hope
correct the error. Thank you. FYI, my reason for having stated it
incorrectly are things I've read such as "Musicians, for
example, may prohibit derivative works." [Reference
<http://www.christine.net/2005/11/open_source_pri.html>  ]. I figured,
why can't software decide to do the same? And this: "Open source
licenses may be broadly categorized into the following types: (1) those
that apply no restrictions on the distribution of derivative works (we
will call these Non-Protective Licenses because they do not protect the
code from being used in non-Open Source applications); and (2) those
that do apply such restrictions (we will call these Protective Licenses
because they ensure that the code will always remain open/free)."
[Reference <http://www.nswscl.org.au/journal/51/Mark_H_Webbink.html>  ]
Anyway, I'm no lawyer and do find it all a bit confusing, so I do
appreciate the feedback I've been getting.

You wrote: <<A glance at your technology stack indicates that your
patent involves using a thick-client spreadsheet as a front end to some
sort of data network. Frankly, I seriously doubt that a patent that you
got as recently as 1998 with a technology description that is as general
as the one that your blog describes will not have substantial prior art
available. Ergo, I doubt your patent is valid.>>

While I don't think it's appropriate for me to waste
people's time defending my patent—especially since we're
focusing on open source licensing and I don't want patents to stand
in the way of progress—I do want to respond to your comment.
Although my patent has not been formally challenged (beyond
international patent office actions), what's unique about my
innovation is not the use of a spreadsheet front end, or even the use of
a data network. In fact, spreadsheets aren't even mentioned in the
claims and there is no software code in the patent. Instead, the patent
describes the use of a "viewer" (report writer) that consumes, formats
and renders/presents data that have been organized in structures
allowing the viewer to locate individual data elements by their
positions within arrays.

For example, let's say a patient's white blood cell counts over
time are to be presented in a graph (chart). The viewer, which is
actually a template in a spreadsheet "workbook" that contains a
chart sheet with an empty (unpopulated) graph within it. The template
also contains all the necessary formatting instructions to present a
dynamic graph showing the patient's lab test results over time,
along with color-coded symbols that clearly identify whether white blood
cell counts are within, above or below the reference (normal) range. In
addition, the template contains formatting instruction for presenting a
trend line and related statistical data for predicting future blood cell
counts. And, in order to populate the chart with data, the template also
contains code that links/connects the graph to a particular range of
cells in a spreadsheet ("worksheet") within the same workbook.
Since the cells in the worksheet currently contain no data, the graph is
empty (no lines or symbols are displayed).

OK, now the data enters that range of cells in the worksheet. This can
be done any number of ways, including using metadata to send data
streams and queries to the proper cells, by coping the data from another
spreadsheet and pasting them into those cells, by parsing the data from
a delimited text file (e.g., CSV) or XML document, etc. In other words,
there must be a preexisting association between the data coming in and
the location of the cells linked to the graph, so that the data end up
in the proper cells enabling the formatting instructions are applied

This is, in essence, a paradigm shift in how data are
"structured" for viewing. Instead of creating reports directly
from tables and tuples, and instead of using XSLT to transform XML data
for viewing, CP Split technology applies formatting instructions to data
arranged in software grids (e.g., spreadsheets) based on the location of
the data within pre-specified cells. I think of it as a shift from using
tabular and markup data for report generation, to using
"locational/spatial" data structures.

Now imagine one spreadsheet workbook using macros to obtain the raw data
and hyperlinks from a variety of sources using methods such as SQL, XML
parsing, retrieval of manually entered data from a delimited text file,
receiving data streams from medical devices and biosensors, even
screen-scraping. And imagine that this workbook's macros (and cell
formulas/functions) then:
(a) integrate these data;
(b) apply algorithms to analyze the data statistically;
(c) use rules bases to identify data that are within and beyond certain
parameters/criteria (outliers), to select subsets the data based on an
end-user's role, and translates the data depending on certain
end-user roles and characteristics;
(d) organize/structure the resulting data so they will end up in the
correct cells of a particular viewer template (as discussed earlier);
(e) store these data structures in a tiny encrypted text file, along
with any other files (documents, images, multimedia, etc.) that may be
zip-compressed with it; and
(f) send this file via e-mail to one or more viewers, which then consume
and present the data file.

Note that the viewer needs very few resources to display an interactive
report since the raw data access (e.g., queries), analytics (e.g.,
number crunching and inferential logic), etc. have already been done by
the first workbook. All the viewer has to do unzip/decrypt the data file
and any other attached files, store the file(s) in particular folders on
the hard drive, and format parts of the data file in response to the
end-user's requests (as well as retrieve any attached files the user
wants). There's even no need to be online except for a brief e-mail
transmission and to access very large files that are not worth attaching
to the data file email.

BTW, the process I've described is one way to use our patented
process in asynchronous, publisher-subscriber, node-to-node
(peer-to-peer) networks.

Before concluding the part of my response, let me also mention that the
patent has a second (optional) component process, which involves an
innovative way to use branching logic and data libraries to facilitate
data input. We currently have data libraries consisting of several
thousand biomedical and psychosocial (aka biopsychosocial) assessment
items, all of which are incorporated into our current version of the
Personal Health Profiler (consumer and clinical versions).

I'll now respond to your excellent challenge—You wrote:
<<Further, in the current FOSS community, we are aggressively pursing
multiple AJAX interfaces, as well as really smart, XML based plumbing to
move data around. Thankfully, these standards-based technologies are
largely unpatentable. They work so well, that I doubt anyone here will
bother to implement your technology. Feel free to convince me and others
otherwise…If you could give me an example of something your
technology does right now that is not found in the combined technology
pool of VA Vista, OpenMRS, ClearHealth and Mirth, I would be very very

While I don't have intimate knowledge of all the tools you mention,
I know several are EMRs and Mirth appears to be a web-based integration
engine. For end-users with adequate bandwidth and continuous
connectivity who want a way to exchange medical records, these all
appear to be decent tools and I have little interest in competing in
that space. The market niche that interests me, however, are reflected
by following:

1. I contend that there are many places in the world where constant
Internet connectivity and broadband is either impossible (e.g., due to
lack of infrastructure) or too costly, but where very brief dial-up (or
satellite) connectivity, or even floppy disk exchange, is possible.
Since the beginnings of my invention go back over 25 years, I had to
develop software that, by today's standards, is
"hyper-efficient" in terms of data storage and processing power.
That's why one of our data files, just a few hundred KBs in size
(because it has none of the overhead of XML or database tables), can
hold 2 million pieces of data, enough to handle a lifetime of health
data. And it's why the viewer component can operate very quickly and
competently using old spreadsheet technology.

2.  Since our Personal Health Profiler was initially built as a
psychological assessment and treatment tool and then evolved into a
robust, cross-disciplinary application—that not only incorporate
biomedical and psychological data, but also addresses the mind-body
interaction and wellness/prevention for both clinician and
patient/consumer over a person's entire lifetime—we focus on a
providing a much deeper and broader view of a person's mental and
physical health status, risks, and quality of life. I think of it as
providing a "high-definition big-picture" view of a person's
problems, needs and options, which can incorporate all the data from
every EMR using any data standards, and then add to it many thousands of
data elements found in no EMR. In other words, it has virtually
unlimited capacity for managing an enormous depth and breadth of
information that spans every aspect of health assessment, treatment,
self-care and research. It can also help integrate sick-care with
> , as well as adjust itself to accommodate people from different
cultures, knowledge, and reading levels.

3. Our technology has been built with a focus on bringing together
clinical practice and research by continually building and using an
evergreen knowledgebase and decision-support system. See, for example,
these two links to our Wellness Wiki: Blueprint for an integrated HIT
+The+Patient+Life-Cycle+Wellness+System>   and An Evidence-based
Healthcare Decision Support System
rt+System>  .

4. To my knowledge, no PHR (personal health record) incorporates a
problem management guide tied to a person's health profile. Our
application, however, includes a personalized, systematic process that
helps people cope emotionally with life problems, as well as develop and
implement sound problem-solving strategies. It provides a prioritized
view of the most important issues/problems/challenges/concerns in a
person's life, and has the capacity to deliver guide individuals in
improving their quality of life through Q&A, instruction and
constructive feedback.

5. Furthermore, our technology is built from the bottom-up, not top down
-healthcare.html> , and it supports the process of sharing and playing
with models in loosely coupled social networks
sely-coupled.html> . That means that, by design, it enables people in
diverse groups and distant locations to produce continually improving
diagnostic and treatment decision-support models that are incorporated
in the software system, to help deliver ever-safer, higher quality, and
more cost-effective sick-care and well-care.

6. Use of our spatial data structure also opens the door for new types
of data security, such as our MultiCryption prototype

I could go on, but this is already quite lengthy and await your

If you'd like, I'll get back to you with feedback on your work
with Larry Rosen.

Anyway, thanks again for this opportunity to respond to you challenge
and offer something I believe will be of true value to humanity.


--- In openhealth@yahoogroups.com, "Fred Trotter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Stephen,
> You are the second person who has approached our
> community about using a hybrid patent/open source business approach.
> I had already decided to work with the first group, and
> your comment has urged me to move this higher on my priority list. I
> will try to communicate with you offlist regarding exactly how to move
> forward.
> You should know that I, and others within this
> community, will work with you only with great hesitation. Many in our
> community, including me think that generally, patents are immoral. We
> are unique in the FOSS community in that it really is a high-stakes
> moral game that we are playing. If Microsoft has patents on the Xbox.
> Who cares really? If they have a patent on HealthVault, then some
> life-saving idea that they have in there could be trapped for 20
> years.
> This creates what I lovingly refer to as the " health
> software patent paradox"
> "The degree to which a medical software is innovative and useful, and
> is therefore patentable, is directly proportionate to degree to which
> it is immoral to pursue patenting"
> What if a car company created a new safety device that reduced car
> accident deaths as easily and cheaply as seatbelts do currently.
> Innovative? yes. Patentable? probably. A technology unethical to trap
> in the hand of one car company? Clearly.
> I cannot see any substantive HealthIT patent that does not fall into
> this moral quandry.
> However, I recognize that I am unlikely to convince you regarding this
> matter, and I also see that you are reaching out to us in a friendly
> manner. So if you will take my reluctant help, I would be glad to give
> it.
> First please read what I have already written on the subject of
> licensing medical software. Much of it may not apply to you. But it is
> useful context for you to have.
> Second, from what I have seen on your blog you have some confusion
> about what open source means. You wrote there
> > Note that there are dozens of other open source licenses,
> > including those that prohibit derived work and free sharing.
> > Very complex indeed!
> This is not true. If a license does these things then it does not
> meet the Open Source definition. The issue is confusing, but not
> particularly complex. The OSI makes the definition. The OSI approves
> the licenses. If it does not meet the definition AND make the list,
> then it is not an open source license.
> A glance at your technology stack indicates that your patent involves
> using a thick-client spreadsheet as a front end to some sort of data
> network. Frankly, I seriously doubt that a patent that you got as
> recently as 1998 with a technology description that is as general as
> the one that your blog describes will not have substantial prior art
> available. Ergo, I doubt your patent is valid.
> Further, in the current FOSS community, we are aggressively pursing
> multiple AJAX interfaces, as well as really smart, XML based plumbing
> to move data around. Thankfully, these standards-based technologies
> are largely unpatentable. They work so well, that I doubt anyone here
> will bother to implement your technology. Feel free to convince me and
> others otherwise, but market speak like:
> "interact at the presentation level, which creates an interoperable
> platform for the simple, secure, fluid exchange of reports between
> disparate system architectures through the transmission of content
> stored in delimited files."
> This kind of broad, glowing descriptions sound marvelous, but mean so
> much (whatever you want them too) that they might as well mean
> nothing. If you could give me an example of something your technology
> does right now that is not found in the combined technology pool of VA
> Vista, OpenMRS, ClearHealth and Mirth, I would be very very surprised.
> I say that because I will try and help you, but I need to be sure that
> you understand that I am helping you because I think it is important
> that we, as the FOSS community, work with patent holders to arrange
> for a peaceful resolution to patent problems. I am not working with
> you because I am impressed by your technology. Perhaps I will be
> impressed later on, but I am certainly not impressed now.
> Given that, you should take a look at this page
> www.rosenlaw.com/IC-Business-Model.pdf
> Which outline an effort to create a "Patents, Free for Open Source
> everyone else pays" strategy. I am working with Larry Rosen now to see
> how best to apply this to a medical environment.
> Regards,
> -FT
> --
> Fred Trotter
> http://www.fredtrotter.com

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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