        So Early bird sales for the conference have gone really well. Much
better than I expected, and potentially problematically well. If DOHCS
attendance is any indicator, there will be a spike of late registrations. I
may be running out of space, which is not a problem if I know months in
advance but is a problem if I know days or hours.

        I have had several people email me saying "I just missed early bird
registration, can I still get tickets at that price?" The answer is no, that
would not be fair to the people who have registered on time. However, in
sympathy to your pleas I have created a new "almost early bird" ticket sale
that costs only a little more than early bird. You can purchase the tickets


        I am telling you know, if you want to go, or you think you might
want to go, buy your tickets now. Otherwise, you will forget and then you
will be emailing me asking for special treatment again. The people who
register earliest will get the best deal, I will only raise prices as the
deadline approaches.

Do not let this happen to you!!

        Now for the main point of my message. Is it appropriate for me to
make this an invitation-only event, like FOO camp?  I could call it Friends
of Fred or FOF (ok thats a terrible idea). The point is, it would help me
keep the conference size down and ensure that everyone there was really
important and/or doing really interesting work. Frankly I do not like the
idea, it feels bad to make anything FOSS closed like that, but otherwise,
conference planning might be impossible.

Let me know what you think!!

Fred Trotter

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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