Roland Dreier wrote:
> By the way, can anyone explain the following to me (an IPv6 rookie):
>     # ping6 -I ib0 fe80::202:c901:78c:e461
>     PING fe80::202:c901:78c:e461(fe80::202:c901:78c:e461) from 
> fe80::202:c901:7fc:c711 ib0: 56 data bytes
>     64 bytes from fe80::202:c901:78c:e461: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=32.2 ms
>     64 bytes from fe80::202:c901:78c:e461: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=14.7 ms
>     64 bytes from fe80::202:c901:78c:e461: icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=14.6 ms
>     --- fe80::202:c901:78c:e461 ping statistics ---
>     3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2001ms
>     rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 14.682/20.557/32.274/8.286 ms
>     # ping6 fe80::202:c901:78c:e461
>     connect: Invalid argument
In order to ping link local address you need to specify an outgoing
interface. Thats mentioned in man ping.
- I interface address
Set source address to specified interface address. Argument may be
numeric IP address or  name  of  device.When pinging IPv6 link-local
address this option is required.

>     # ssh -6 fe80::202:c901:78c:e461
>     ssh: connect to host fe80::202:c901:78c:e461 port 22: Invalid argument
> ssh works fine if I assign non-autoconfig'ed addresses.
> Ethernet behaves the same way so I don't think it's something to do
> with the IPoIB driver, but I would like to understand it better (if
> only for my own edification).
On Solaris I see ssh just working fine on auto-config'ed address. Need
more time to understand linux code.

> Thanks,
>   Roland
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