Hello Ralph,

Thanks for sharing the info.

> Then I built svn/gen2/trunk/src/userspace/mpi/mvapich-gen2.
> I was able to get osu_latency & osu_bw to run using:
> mpirun_rsh -np 2 -debug -hostfile ./mf ~/mvapich1/bin/osu_latency
> but when I run it without -debug, I get a "Connection refused"
> error message.
> I tried osu_bcast and osu_bibw with -debug but they just print
> the initial header and then hang.

Hmm ... I'm wondering if you really meant to say that WITH -debug flag
you get "Connection Refused" and WITHOUT -debug, you get only the header
followed by a hang?

I ask this because -debug forwards X from the remote node to your X
server, so you can debug different processes in xterms. In case your SSH
is not configured to forward X, then you may get that "Connection
Refused" message.

Another quick question. Did you use -DADAPTIVE_RDMA_FAST_PATH instead of
-DMEMORY_SCALE in make.mvapich.gen2 as per Matt's suggestion (earlier in
this email thread)? I'm wondering if you could give that a shot and
verify if that works on your platform?


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