> Hello Ralph,
> Thanks for sharing the info.
>> Then I built svn/gen2/trunk/src/userspace/mpi/mvapich-gen2.
>> I was able to get osu_latency & osu_bw to run using:
>> mpirun_rsh -np 2 -debug -hostfile ./mf ~/mvapich1/bin/osu_latency
>> but when I run it without -debug, I get a "Connection refused"
>> error message.
>> I tried osu_bcast and osu_bibw with -debug but they just print
>> the initial header and then hang.
> Hmm ... I'm wondering if you really meant to say that WITH -debug flag
> you get "Connection Refused" and WITHOUT -debug, you get only the header
> followed by a hang?
> I ask this because -debug forwards X from the remote node to your X
> server, so you can debug different processes in xterms. In case your SSH
> is not configured to forward X, then you may get that "Connection
> Refused" message.
> Another quick question. Did you use -DADAPTIVE_RDMA_FAST_PATH instead of
> -DMEMORY_SCALE in make.mvapich.gen2 as per Matt's suggestion (earlier in
> this email thread)? I'm wondering if you could give that a shot and
> verify if that works on your platform?
> Thanks,
> Sayantan.

Compiling with -DADAPTIVE_RDMA_FAST_PATH works OK too.

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