
I see now that the uDAPL CMA provider code uses the MTU 1:1 as returned 
by the SM in the path, so if the env is made of the Mellanox PCI-X HCA 
there can be big BW drop, etc... we have discussed that.

I wonder how are you overcoming this when running Intel MPI w. OFED 1.0?

I understand in OFED 1.1 there is this tavor_quirk in both the cma and 
the opensm, but i am not aware to any such hack in OFED 1.0.

Also, i understand that OFED includes the uDAPL **SCM** provider, is it 
really tested/supported? if yes, i don't think it needs to be. It adds 
the overhead of one TCP connection per IB connection, creates two codes 
bases to maintain, makes the CMA less tested, you named it.

If its not tested/supported sure we must not provide it.

If you agree would you approach the OFED maintainers to remove the SCM 
provider from the udapl OFED 1.1 RPM?


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