
> Guess you don't mean IB router when you say router in your description.

> Is the sender a normal node ? Is normal node mean standard OpenIB
> without changes ? How was the SMI changed ? On which nodes ? Only the
> intermediate one ?

Yes, the sender is a normal node without any changes. Yes, the SMI is only 
on intermediate ones changed.

> Aside from the initial path being [0][1][1], what are the hop count and
> hop pointer ? What are DrDLID and DrSLID as well as the LIDs in the LRH
> of the SMP ?

node 1 -> node 2 -> node 3 (router on node 2)

The orginal packet has the initial path [0][1][1], return path [0][2][2], 
hop count and hop pointer are 2 (SubnGetResp), the Dr_DLID and DrSLID are 
permissive. LID in the LRH are both 0.

Thanks Michael

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