
> This sounds like the good response and appears to traverse your 3 nodes.

Yes, that's right

> This is the bogus extra response. Since your sender node is unmodified,
> it is unlikely an issue there. It seems like the intermediate node might
> be responding and forwarding the packet on although it should only do
> one of those two things. You did mention the SMI on the intermediate
> node was modified, right ? Also, note that the SMI is not validated and
> has some known issues for switches (e.g. intermediate hops).

The sender and the responder is unmodified (node1, node3). I have debugged 
the hole SMI, ib_mad_recv_done_handler and handle_outgoing_dr_smp functions 
and did not found the bogus extra response. As debugged is the responder 
sending one packet, which would be right and the intermediate node isn't 
receiving an bogus extra packet. So the extra packet didn't pass the SMI 
that's for sure. I use the libibumad to implement the forwarding mechanism 
and also use the select function to catch any receive I should handle. Maybe 
there is something wrong.

Thanks Michael Arndt 

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