> Quoting Jeff Squyres <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Subject: Re: Open MPI rpmbuild fails in OFED-1.2
> My $0.02: This is another in a growing list of issues reflecting the  
> whole "build everything in DESTDIR" is a problematic approach.

I don't know much about RPM, and I am not exactly sure why are
our source RPMs so complicated.

However, with the plan configure/make we are able to
build all openfabrics components within build directory,
without any chroot tricks.

So let's not give up yet, IMO it is very nice to be able to build in
standard environment, without being root.

Note that what is biting us here is mostly the large number of modules:
simple single-module packages don't have this problem - and this
is really a design decision we took.


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