On Wed, 2011-03-30 at 09:03 +0800, Christopher Chan wrote:
> On Wednesday, March 30, 2011 08:00 AM, Ken Gunderson wrote:
> >
> > On Wed, 2011-03-30 at 07:51 +0800, Christopher Chan wrote:
> >> On Wednesday, March 30, 2011 04:15 AM, Gabriel de la Cruz wrote:
> >>> The Solaris OS was carefully designed as a product, Linux is a
> >>> combination of technollogies carefully developed to interact with
> >>> eachother but created in independent projects. Both of them a very
> >>> well made, but the way how all the parts within Solaris relate to
> >>> eachother is more consistent.
> >>>
> >>> Solaris and linux are like 2 different languages, both ritch on their
> >>> own way, why shoulnt we write phylosopy in German?
> >>>
> >>
> >> Er...certainly the core is a carefully designed product but I would not
> >> go so far as to claim the whole of Solaris is a carefully designed product.
> >>
> >> Anyway, when will KDE be brought on board instead of that directionless
> >> excuse for a desktop environment called GNOME?
> >
> > Ha!  Why anyone would want, or indeed, could even use that bug ridden
> > pos they call kde these days is beyond me....
> >
> > fyi- I was a kde1, 2, and to some extent kde3 user before I gave up and
> > switched to Xfce4.  Changing platform to OS made Gnome one of the pills
> > I had to swallow.  And a jagged little pill it was, as I formerly
> > detested it.  After some time using it, however, I began to appreciate
> > Gnome.  I test drive the latest and not so greatest KDE4 from time to
> > time on Linux boxes and am amazed at just how badly they missed it....
> Yes, Kubuntu is a complete disaster. Not the KDE team's fault though I 
> don't think. The Kubuntu devs botched it real bad. On another note, I 
> have heard that users of KDE on OpenSolaris are happy with it?

Who ever said anything about K/Ubuntu, mon?  Imho, Ubuntu is for lamers
who're not quite bright enough to use a real operating system....

> I stopped using OpenSolaris as a desktop after I have had enough of GNOME...

My experience is opposite - the more I use Gnome, the greater my
appreciation.  Every once in a while I go retro and take Xfce or LXDE
for a spin, or even more retro and roll by own on top of OpenBOX.  While
each has it's pros and cons, I keep coming back to Gnome because it just
works and I've better things to do with my time than tweak my
workstation desktop ad nauseum.

Ken Gunderson <kgund...@teamcool.net>

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