On 01/05/2011, at 11:48 PM, Dan Swartzendruber wrote:

> Hmmm, well, what I've seen a couple of places (and have been using myself)
> is rsyncd.conf on the OS box having a post-exec cmd that takes the
> snapshot...

So that means having some daemon running as root (or with required privileges) 
that could listen to a trigger message sent from the client?

In my case the server is operating simply as a file server and it has no 
knowledge of the state of a backup. I could change the windows backups to be 
using an rsync daemon on the server, but the mac backups using Time Machine 
require an afp file server, so something else needs to be added.

Are there any permission tricks that would allow a script executed via ssh to 
execute "zfs snapshot"??

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matt Connolly [mailto:matt.connolly...@gmail.com] 
> Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2011 9:46 AM
> To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
> Subject: [OpenIndiana-discuss] zfs snapshot script
> Hi all,
> I'm putting together a script to create zfs snapshots after a backup has
> been completed (via Apple TimeMachine or rsync for example). When I'm logged
> into the machine, I can only access the "zfs snapshot" command as root via
> "sudo" or "pfexec". Neither of these are available directly from a ssh
> command. For example:
> client$ ssh user@server
> server$ sudo zfs snapshot blah@blah -> works
> ..or..
> server$ pfexec zfs snapshot blah@blah -> works
> ..but..
> client$ ssh user@host zfs snapshot blah -> fails = permission denied
> client$ ssh user@host pfexec zfs snapshot blah -> fails = permission denied
> client$ ssh user@host sudo zfs snapshot blah -> fails = sudo: no tty present
> and no askpass program specified
> What would be the best practice for creating a zfs snapshot based on an
> external trigger (eg: message from client after a successful backup).
> Regards,
> Matt
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